DiceParser copied to clipboard
Powerful dice Roller is used as discord bot, irc bot, cli tool and inside Rolisteam : 1d20+4, 1L[head,arm,leg,belly,chest], 1d6+1d8, 8+5*3
Rolisteam Dice Parser run dice commands. It is available on several platforms. The syntax is simple and powerful.
Invite to Your Discord Server
uptime - Roll any kind of dice
- Customizable prefix
- Custom alias/macro to improve game experience
- Manage colorized dice
- Many operators
Roll 3 dice with 100 faces
Roll 10 dice with 10 faces, 10 explodes, and sort the result.
roll 100291 dice with 66666666666 faces and sort result
roll 15 dice with 10 faces and it counts number of dice which are above 7
roll 1 die with 8 faces and add the result to 2 dice with 6 faces and add 7.
roll 1 die with 25 faces
88 minus the value of 1 die of 20 faces
compute: 24
compute: 100/28 = 3 3*3 = 9
More examples at : https://invent.kde.org/rolisteam/rolisteam-diceparser/-/blob/master/HelpMe.md
The grammar is something like this:
Program =: Instruction [InstructionSeparator, Instruction]* Comment
InstructionSeparator = ;
Instruction =: Expression ([Operator, Expression]* | [Option]*)
Operator =: ScalarOperator
Expression =: OpenParenthesis Expression closeParenthesis
| Option*
| [Operator, Expression]*
| Operand Dice
| Command
| function
| NodeOperator [Option]*
| ValuesList
| Dice (Operand == 1)
Operand =: DynamicVariable | Number | String
OpenParenthesis = (
closeParenthesis = )
OpenList = [
CloseList = ]
ListSeparator = ,
ValuesList=: OpenList (DynamicVariable | Number)? [ ListSeparator,(DynamicVariable | Number)]* CloseList
Dice =: DiceOperator [uniqueValue] DiceParameter
DiceOperator =: D ParameterDice | L ParameterList
DiceParameter =: ParameterDice | ParameterList
ParameterDice =: Number|Range
ParameterList =: List
List=: OpenList String[Probability] [ListSeparator,String[Probability]]* CloseList
Probability=: OpenList (Range|Percentage) CloseList
Percentage =: number
function =: functionName OpenParenthesis [function_args] closeParenthesis
function_args =: Instruction [InstructionSeparator, Instruction] | Operand | ValidatorList
functionName =: repeat
Option =: Keep
| KeepAndExplode
| Filter
| Sort
| Count
| Reroll
| RerollUntil
| RerollAndAdd
| Explode
| Merge
| Bind
| Occurences
| Unique
| Paint
| If
| Split
| Group
Range =: OpenList Number RangeSeparator Number CloseList
RangeSeparator =: ..
ScalarOperator =: [x,-,*,x,/,**]
number =: [-] [0-9]+ | constantValue
OpenVaribale=: ${
CloseVariable=: }
constantValue =: OpenVaribale (id | label) CloseVariable
id=[_,a-z][_,A-z,0-9]* # must respect rules of QML id
variable = OpenVaribale [0-9]+ CloseVariable
ValidatorList =: OpenList CompareMethod Validator [LogicOpetator CompareMethod Validator]* CloseList
LogicOpetator =: AND | XOR | OR
CompareMethod =: Each | All | Scalar | ANY
All=: *
Scalar=: :
ANY=: .
AND =: &
XOR =: ^
OR =: |
Validator =: BooleanValidator | RangeValidator | OperationValidator
CompareOpetator =: = | > | >= | < | <= | !=
RangeValidator =: Range
OperationValidator =: Modulo operandNode BooleanValidator
Modulo =: %
BooleanValidator =: [=]Operand | [CompareOpetator Operand]
ListOfValue=: String[Range],ListOfValue | String[Range]
String =: .*[^ListSeparator]
Keep =: k[Ascendant] Number
KeepAndExplode =: K[Ascendant] number
Filter =: f ValidatorList
Sort =: s[Ascendant]
Count =: c ValidatorList
Reroll =: r ValidatorList
RerollUntil =: R ValidatorList
RerollAndAdd =: a ValidatorList
Merge =: m
Bind =: b
Occurences =: OccurencesWidth ( ListSeparator number | ValidatorList)
OccurencesWidth =: number
unique =: u
Painter =: p PainterParameters
PainterParameters =: OpenList PairColorOccurence [ListSeparator , PairColorOccurence]* CloseList
PairColorOccurence =: Color PairSeparator Number
PairSeparator =: :
If =: i [compareMethod] ValidatorList Bloc[Bloc]
compareMethod =: OnEach | OneOfThem | AllOfThem | onScalar
OnEach =: ''
OneOfThem = '.'
AllOfThem = '*'
onScalar = ':'
Bloc =: OpenBranch Expression CloseBranch
OpenBloc =: {
CloseBloc =: }
Split =: y
Group =: g Number
Sort =: s
Group =: number
Explode =: e ValidatorList
NodeOperator = Jumpbackward
Jumpbackward =: @
Merge =: m | m Expression
Command =: help | la
uniqueValue = u
Comment =: StartComment String
StartComment =: #
git clone --recursive https://invent.kde.org/rolisteam/rolisteam-diceparser.git
cd rolisteam-diceparser
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DBUILD_CLI=ON
sudo make install