`{3rd: "Beedell", 1st: "Roke"}`{.JSON5}

Results 415 issues of `{3rd: "Beedell", 1st: "Roke"}`{.JSON5}

My rationale is available at https://github.com/safing/portmaster-packaging/issues/43#issue-956312378#:~:text=It%20shall%20allow,to%20support%20this. I am thankful for any assistance.

http://snapcraft.io/about http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Snap_(package_manager)#:~:text=The%20Snap%20Store%20allows%20developers,its%20deployment%20for%20end%2Dusers.

https://github.com/tasks/tasks/issues/1868#issue-1222154156 describes the request, whereas https://github.com/nextcloud/tasks/issues/2185#issue-1561309542 demonstrates the necessity of this. #### Request: Many possible methods of easy demonstration of dependency exist, and each provide unique advantages. ![`[GitKraken](https://www.gitkraken.com/github-student-developer-pack-bundle)](https://github.com/tasks/tasks/assets/42837531/d72ca281-f3aa-4750-9f6f-0c3a5720e077) provides additional...

**Describe the bug** "http://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/issues/2714#note_1021641628". **Expected behavior** The version-code of "http://github.com/shosetsuorg/shosetsu-preview" should be numerically greater than the version-code of "http://github.com/shosetsuorg/shosetsu".


Please add one theme that is solely constituted by #000000 and #ffffff, because this colouration shall be significantly important for devices whose screens are comprised of solely organic light-emissive diodes....

Arcticons Light is forced to utilize its light theme, whereas Arcticons Dark correctly adapts.

Material 3/Material You, which https://m3.material.io describes, is currently the most recent iteration of the Material Design Guidelines. Adherence to it provides consistency between modern applications and consequent ease of use,...

It annoys me significantly, because it is unnecessary and causes the appearance of the keyboard to be consequently unnecessarily inconsistent.

feature request

I must focus something alternative before the key operates again. It persists until that.

# Want a new feature? I do not believe that automation of Webcamoid is possible. However, being able to control Webcamoid from the command line would provide the framework to...

Type: Feature