Rohit Rajak
Rohit Rajak
> Is there any ETA for this feature? Would be good to know when this API can be expected in the new SDK. Well, it'd be great to get it...
> @Rohitrajak1807 want to share the code? is there any good way to use the new azure-sdk to send requests? This is a working example. It uses the latest...
This PR fixes it partially, it creates the executables `brew install` needs a license to my knowledge
Can we do this via Goreleaser?
> This could also be automatic, however this will require all changes to not be breaking changes. This requirement will need some thought.
This looks interesting Can we do something similar? This PR partially fixes this issue. We can proceed to add controller image release automation
@bcle is the auth integration with argocd the same as doing these steps from Arlon installation: > Follow steps 1-4 of the [ArgoCD installation guide]( to install ? > ArgoCD...
Integrating arlon with argocd seems to be quite involved and has many steps. Readjusting estimate to size Large.
@bcle when you say: > ... create a "starter kit" of example bundles, profiles, clusterspecs, baseclusters? Do you mean just push dummy basecluster manifests or do we have to run...
What works and what doesn't? - The bash script for setting up the controller and `argocd` works. - `kuttl` on GH Actions for E2E works. - Git server container doesn't...