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A minimalistic typing test site to improve your typing skills and track your progress

Type - A Modern Typing Test

Type is a full-stack web application for testing your typing speed and accuracy. With an intuitive and minimalistic interface, Type. offers a natural typing experience, providing real-time feedback on your typing speed and accuracy. The application includes an account system for saving your typing speed history and user-configurable features such as themes.

Note: This repo contains code for the frontend of the site, backend

Web 1920 – 1

Project Structure

   |-- account
   |   |-- Chart.tsx
   |   |-- Stats.tsx
   |   |-- Tests.tsx
   |   |-- Login.tsx
   |   |-- Signup.tsx
   |-- index
   |   |-- Footer.tsx
   |   |-- Header.tsx
   |   |-- Chart.tsx
   |   |-- Test.tsx
   |-- other
   |   |-- ConditionalRenderer.tsx
   |   |-- Error.tsx
   |   |-- Layout.tsx
   |   |-- Loader.tsx
   |   |-- NavOption.tsx
   |   |-- Navbar.tsx
   |   |-- Palette.tsx
   |   |-- Option.tsx
   |-- actions.ts
   |-- reducer.ts
   |-- store.ts
   |-- state.ts
   |   |-- preferenceReducer.ts
   |   |-- resultReducer.ts
   |   |-- timerReducer.ts
   |   |-- wordReducer.ts
   |-- auth.js
   |-- firebaseClient.js
   |-- useFirebaseAuth.js

   |-- generated
   |   |-- fragment-masking.ts
   |   |-- gql.ts
   |   |-- graphql.ts
   |   |-- index.ts
   |-- mutations
   |   |-- createTest.graphql
   |   |-- register.graphql
   |   |-- validate.graphql
   |-- queries
   |   |-- leaderboard.graphql
   |   |-- test.graphql
   |   |-- tests.graphql
   |   |-- userStats.graphql
   |-- useLocalStorage.ts
   |-- useCalculateChartStats.ts
   |-- useCalculateStats.ts
   |-- usePaginatedTestsQuery.ts
   |-- useOnClickOutside.ts
   |-- _app.tsx
   |-- _error.tsx
   |-- account.tsx
   |-- index.tsx
   |-- leaderboard.tsx
   |-- favicon.ico
   |-- fonts
   |   |-- LexendDeca-Regular.ttf
   |-- vercel.svg
   |-- english.json 
   |-- Account.module.css
   |-- Footer.module.css
   |-- Header.module.css
   |-- Leaderboard.module.css
   |-- Loader.module.css
   |-- Login.module.css
   |-- Navbar.module.css
   |-- Palette.module.css
   |-- Signup.module.css
   |-- Test.css
   |-- globals.css
   |-- constants.ts
   |-- createUrqlClient.ts
   |-- customToast.ts
   |-- getTheme.ts
   |-- test.ts
   |-- utils.ts

Setup Project Locally

If you want to test the site locally follow these steps:


  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Git clone the repo
  3. Setup a new project on Firebase
  4. Enable authentication in Firebase
  5. Enable Email/Password provider
  6. Create a .env.local file
  7. Copy the variables from .env.example file onto .env.local file
  8. Copy Firebase credentials onto the corresponding values in the .env.local file
  9. Set the backend PORT of your choice in .env.local NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL and in codegen.ts or stick with the default PORT 4000
  10. Run npm install
  11. You have successfully setup the Frontend


  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Git clone the repo
  3. Create a .env file
  4. Copy the variables from .env.example file onto .env file
  5. Set the backend PORT of your choice in .env PORT or stick with the default PORT 4000
  6. Setup PostgreSQL in your machine
  7. Import migration: migration1684564075219 into src/data-source.ts add it to migrations
  8. Run npm run migration:run this will setup the tables in postgres
  9. Run npm install
  10. You have successfully setup the Backend

Technologies Used

Type is built using a range of modern web technologies, including:


  1. React.js
  2. Next.js
  3. TypeScript
  4. Redux
  5. Apollo-Graphql
  6. Firebase


  1. Node.js
  2. Express.js
  3. GraphQL
  4. URQL
  5. TypeORM
  6. PostgreSQL
  7. Docker


If you would like to contribute to Type, you can follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Create a new branch for your changes.
  3. Make your changes and test them locally.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Create a pull request with a detailed description of your changes and why they are necessary.