Roger Riggs
Roger Riggs
> One final question - Now with this change, `Process.waitFor()` won't throw the `IllegalThreadStateException` for such programs that return `STILL_ACTIVE` exit code. However, looking at the code a subsequent Process.exitValue()...
There are a few builder style APIs for immutable objects that have `withXXX` methods that return an instance with the change requested. A `withExtension(String ext)` could handle the common cases...
> How would this work for the case of "compound extensions" such as `tar.gz` where one might want to end up with just `tar` or with `zip`, depending? I'd view...
As suggested, I would rename `removeExtension` to `withoutExtension` and replace `addExtension` with `withExtension`. Please rephrase or reword as you see fit: ``` /** * Returns a Path with the {@code...
This is the same as suggested :
The use of `withExtension("")` would be equivalent to `withoutExtension()` so the later could be omitted for a simpler API. And I think that's a reasonable simplification; replacing the extension is...
Almost, except for the detail that both "photo" and "photo." have an empty string as the extension so the trailing ".", if any, should be dropped. ``` Path p; String...