If has ACL for NAMESPACE_USERS: default='All:read,write,create,destroy,admin', and ACL for NAMESPACE_DEFAULT: default='All:read,write', then a user who is not logged in may read/modify/destroy/admin (change ACL on modify) an item in users...
This occurs after using the contrib sample data to populate a wiki. Four items have invalid meta data. Each contains an invalid `parentid` field pointing to a non-existing revision. The...
A possible approach: * create application docs using any of moin's markup languages * use dump-html cli to convert to html files * use to load to readthedocs
See # File Storage backends are recommended for most wikis uri = f"stores:fs:{data_dir}/%(backend)s/%(kind)s" # use file system for storage # uri = 'stores:sqlite:{0}/mywiki_%(backend)s_%(kind)s.db'.format(data_dir) # sqlite, 1 table per db...
In Show view, a QuickLinks mouseover makes text nearly invisible. In Meta view, attributes and values are centered in content area making them difficult to read. Other themes have attributes...
Missing feature? Moin 1.9.x had configure options to prevent users from changing their name or email: user_form_disable = ['name', 'aliasname', 'email',] # don't let the user change these, but show...