I am not entirely sure but I think inspect.exe does use the treewalker internally whereas FlaUInspect uses the FindChildren methods. If it works with the walker, use that. There are...
Which Windows Version are you on? On Win10 your code should work, on Win 11 the problem is indeed that it is a Windows Store APP which you need to...
Do you have scaling / high-dpi active?
Strange that it sometimes works. Seems like a timing issue but you tried already with a sleep. Could you also try with a `Retry.WhileNull?`
Did you try with a `Retry` or found another solution?
Can you try `Keyboard.Type(VirtualKeyShort.KEY_Y)`? Also try the key `z` in case there is some region settings problem.
Probably related to
What were you trying to do? What was your code that lead to an error? Please provide more info.
Unfortunately, colors are not part of UIA (which has it's origin in accessibility where colors usually don't matter). and therefore they are not exposed to UIA. The only colors that...
You are probably running into the issue that the calculator is a windows store app which you need to start differently. Try it with an application that is not a...