fuselage icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fuselage copied to clipboard

React port of Rocket.Chat's design system, Fuselage


Fuselage Monorepo

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Package Description Version Dependencies
📦 @rocket.chat/css-in-js Toolset to transpile and use CSS on runtime npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/css-supports Memoized and SSR-compatible facade of CSS.supports API npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/emitter Event Emitter by Rocket.Chat npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/eslint-config-alt ESLint configuration for Rocket.Chat repositories npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/fuselage npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/fuselage-hooks React hooks for Fuselage, Rocket.Chat's design system and UI toolkit npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/fuselage-polyfills A bundle of useful poly/ponyfills used by fuselage npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/fuselage-toastbar Fuselage ToastBar component npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/fuselage-tokens Design tokens for Fuselage, Rocket.Chat's design system npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/fuselage-ui-kit UiKit elements for Rocket.Chat Apps built under Fuselage design system npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/icons npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/layout Shared Application Layout Components npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/logo Rocket.Chat logo package npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/memo Memoization utilities npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/message-parser Rocket.Chat parser for messages npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/mp3-encoder A LAME encoder to be used in web workers npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/onboarding-ui Set of components and functions for the onboarding experience on Rocket.Chat npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/peggy-loader Peggy loader for webpack npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/prettier-config Prettier configuration for Rocket.Chat repositories npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/string-helpers Helper functions for string manipulation npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/styled A simple styled API for React components npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/stylis-logical-props-middleware Stylis middleware to handle CSS Logical Properties and their fallbacks npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/ui-kit Interactive UI elements for Rocket.Chat Apps npm deps
📦 @rocket.chat/uikit-playground npm deps