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Installing on CentOS7 via Ansible
Hey Guys,
i try to install rocketchat via ansible on centos7.
After some obscurities with node I come to a new problem, and I dont know a solution.
I installed it via documentation (
I defined my server in my inventoryfile... everythings fine with this but after execute
ansible-playbook -i inventory rocket_chat.yml
I get the following error
TASK [RocketChat.Server : Unpack the Rocket.Chat binary tarball] ***************
fatal: [centos1]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "ERROR! file or module does not exist: /var/lib/"}
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
centos1 : ok=20 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1
The file in /var/lib exists
[root@localhost bin]# ls -lhrt /var/lib/
-rw-r--r--. 1 rocketchat rocketchat 461 May 4 02:03 /var/lib/
Whats my problem with this?
I just ran into this problem too. The role defines a fixed checksum to check the downloaded file against, and if it doesn't match, I was getting this failure.
I suppose this means that has been re-created (updated) since that checksum was added to the role.
While I can't recommend that you do this, I worked around this on my development server by modifying the checksum defined in RocketChat.Server/defaults/main.yml to match the checksum reported by ansible (I think I needed to add -vv to my ansible command line to see enough details, including the "valid" and "invalid" checksums).
I would say that a better pinning workflow needs to be used by the maintainers of this ansible role! Otherwise people are going to start doing dirty checksum hacks on production systems ^^
yes, you need to add the checksum since It has been a while and has changed. I been trying to submit PR's to fix a lot of stuff that needs but, it looks like the maintainers are not around.
While i did not test it on centos check out my pull request for a new role.
It checks for the cryptographically signature instead of the hash. Also it gives you the capability to change the mongodb url. (Like add ssl or use a cluster)
I'm around, I just haven't had time to work on it with starting new employment. Most of the work and bug fixes people are complaining about are located on this branch: and it's my fault for not getting it out sooner. I just need to sit down review some things and merge it, honestly.
@xenithorb let us know when you do so we can help further :) some of us are actively trying to make it better.