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Auto RESTful API generator using Flask/SQLAlchemy declarative model.

RESTful API Generator,,

RESTful API Generator, autogenerates the RESTful endpoints from the SQL Alchemy models. Works with all major relational databases and MongoDB.

  • Install
  • Usage
  • Credits


pip install flaskrestgen


'''A sample declarative model using Sqlalchemy'''
from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Integer, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

Base = declarative_base()

class User(Base):
  __tablename__ = 'users'

  id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
  username = Column(String(50))

#engine instance
engine = create_engine('postgres://user:postgres@localhost:5432/users')
#create tables through your meta data

#now here is the flaskrestgen api at play
from flask import Flask 
from flaskrestgen import RESTApi

app = Flask(__name__)
db_session = sessionmaker(engine)()

#create and instance of flaskrestgen
restApi = RESTApi(app, db_session)
#generates GET, POST, PUT and DELETE for User model
if __name__ == '__main__':
  app.run(host='localhost', port=8000)


GET http://localhost:8000/users ("users" being the name of the table)
GET http://localhost:8000/users/<id> 
POST http://localhost:8000/users
    JSON Body: {
        "username" : "newuser"
PUT http://localhost:8000/users/<id>
    JSON Body: {
        "username" : "updatednewuser"
DELETE http://localhost:8000/users/<id>

Apply Constraints and Validation

Create a file called "validation.json" in your project directory
and start applying constraints to your fields easily

    "User" : {
        "username" : {
            "max_len" : 10,
            "min_len" : 3,
            "not_null" : true,
            "interpolate" : "lambda val: val.upper()"

Now finally point flaskrestgen instance to that validation file
    restApi = RESTApi(app, db_session, validation_file='validation.json')
    #now you have validation in place that easily


There are more advanced usecase such as: 
1. Placing a hook for advance manipulation for rest endpoints
2. Auto detection of one to one, one to many many to many constraints and generating rest endpoints bidirectionally
3. Extracting the desired foreign key resource to avoid multiple networks calls 
and few mores..
Finally I will be updating the docs for these advanced usecase when I have time.
Thank you!!

### Credits
Contributors are super welcome!!!!!