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A just good enough SAML client library written in Go.


Unfortunately, the decision has been made to sunset support for this project. We thank everyone for supporting and utilizing the project.

Couple of alternatives could be https://github.com/russellhaering/gosaml2 or maybe https://github.com/crewjam/saml. These are solely suggestions to start the look for an alternative and are not an endorsement by RNP. We've not done a code review of these repos. We recommend doing a vetting pass on the repository prior to integrating any third party dependencies.


Build Status

A just good enough SAML client library written in Go. This library is by no means complete and has been developed to solve several specific integration efforts. However, it's a start, and it would be great to see it evolve into a more fleshed out implemention.

Inspired by the early work of Matt Baird.

The library supports:

  • generating signed/unsigned AuthnRequests
  • validating signed AuthnRequests
  • generating service provider metadata
  • generating signed Responses
  • validating signed Responses


$ go get github.com/RobotsAndPencils/go-saml

Here's a convenient way to generate a certificate:

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frntn/x509-san/master/gencert.sh | CRT_CN="mycert"  bash


Below are samples to show how you might use the library.

Generating Signed AuthnRequests

sp := saml.ServiceProviderSettings{
  PublicCertPath:              "../default.crt",
  PrivateKeyPath:              "../default.key",
  IDPSSOURL:                   "http://idp/saml2",
  IDPSSODescriptorURL:         "http://idp/issuer",
  IDPPublicCertPath:           "idpcert.crt",
  SPSignRequest:               "true",
  AssertionConsumerServiceURL: "http://localhost:8000/saml_consume",

// generate the AuthnRequest and then get a base64 encoded string of the XML
authnRequest := sp.GetAuthnRequest()
b64XML, err := authnRequest.EncodedSignedString(sp.PrivateKeyPath)
if err != nil {

// for convenience, get a URL formed with the SAMLRequest parameter
url, err := saml.GetAuthnRequestURL(sp.IDPSSOURL, b64XML)
if err != nil {

// below is bonus for how you might respond to a request with a form that POSTs to the IdP
data := struct {
  Base64AuthRequest string
  URL               string
  Base64AuthRequest: b64XML,
  URL:               url,

t := template.New("saml")
t, err = t.Parse("<html><body style=\"display: none\" onload=\"document.frm.submit()\"><form method=\"post\" name=\"frm\" action=\"{{.URL}}\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SAMLRequest\" value=\"{{.Base64AuthRequest}}\" /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" /></form></body></html>")

// how you might respond to a request with the templated form that will auto post
t.Execute(w, data)

Validating a received SAML Response

response = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  encodedXML := r.FormValue("SAMLResponse")

  if encodedXML == "" {
    httpcommon.SendBadRequest(w, "SAMLResponse form value missing")

  response, err := saml.ParseEncodedResponse(encodedXML)
  if err != nil {
    httpcommon.SendBadRequest(w, "SAMLResponse parse: "+err.Error())

  err = response.Validate(&sp)
  if err != nil {
    httpcommon.SendBadRequest(w, "SAMLResponse validation: "+err.Error())

  samlID := response.GetAttribute("uid")
  if samlID == "" {
    httpcommon.SendBadRequest(w, "SAML attribute identifier uid missing")


Service provider metadata

func samlMetadataHandler(sp *saml.ServiceProviderSettings) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		md, err := sp.GetEntityDescriptor()
		if err != nil {
      w.Write([]byte("Error: " + err.Error()))

		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/xml")

Receiving a authnRequest

b64Request := r.URL.Query().Get("SAMLRequest")
if b64Request == "" {
  w.Write([]byte("SAMLRequest parameter missing"))

defated, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(b64Request)
if err != nil {
  w.Write([]byte("Error: " + err.Error()))

// enflate and unmarshal
var buffer bytes.Buffer
rdr := flate.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(defated))
io.Copy(&buffer, rdr)
var authnRequest saml.AuthnRequest

err = xml.Unmarshal(buffer.Bytes(), &authnRequest)
if err != nil {
  w.Write([]byte("Error: " + err.Error()))

if authnRequest.Issuer.Url != issuerURL {
  w.Write([]byte("unauthorized issuer "+authnRequest.Issuer.Url))

Creating a SAML Response (if acting as an IdP)

issuer := "http://localhost:8000/saml"
authnResponse := saml.NewSignedResponse()
authnResponse.Issuer.Url = issuer
authnResponse.Assertion.Issuer.Url = issuer
authnResponse.Signature.KeyInfo.X509Data.X509Certificate.Cert = stringValueOfCert
authnResponse.Assertion.Subject.NameID.Value = userIdThatYouAuthenticated
authnResponse.AddAttribute("uid", userIdThatYouAuthenticated)
authnResponse.AddAttribute("email", "someone@domain")
authnResponse.Assertion.Subject.SubjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.InResponseTo = authnRequestIdRespondingTo
authnResponse.InResponseTo = authnRequestIdRespondingTo
authnResponse.Assertion.Subject.SubjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.Recipient = issuer

// signed XML string
signed, err := authnResponse.SignedString("/path/to/private.key")

// or signed base64 encoded XML string
b64XML, err := authnResponse.EncodedSignedString("/path/to/private.key")


Would love any contributions you having including better documentation, tests, or more robust functionality.

git clone [email protected]:RobotsAndPencils/go-saml.git
make init
make test


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Made with :heart: by Robots & Pencils (@robotsNpencils)
