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If you disconnect from the Wi-Fi network and reconnect, the subscription will not work after a while.
Description If you disconnect from the Wi-Fi network and reconnect, the subscription will not work after a while.
- Library Version: 0.11.13
- ROS Version: melodic
- Platform / OS: Ubuntu 18.04
Steps To Reproduce
- Write publisher and subscription code in your browser.
- Subscription data output
- Disconnect from network
- Reconnect the network
- Subscription data does not come in after a while.
- Publishing is possible.
- There are topics for which data is output when you subscribe, and there are topics that do not.
- Data comes in if you do rostopic echo topic.
- The data that is not actually subscribed is in the form of a string, and the length of the string is 100. Data is received 6 times per second. 6 * 100 = 600 ex) "status|1|90|active|23,12,23|0||1"
- No "client disconnected" counter in logs when disconnecting from network.
- Closing the browser results in "client disconnected" in the log.
- There is no subscription data output, and as time passes, it comes in all at once, or there is no data output continuously.
It seems to affect other clients when the network is disconnected. Any solution?
rms@rms:~$ rosnode info /server/rosbridge_websocket
Node [/server/rosbridge_websocket] Publications:
- /charge_state [std_msgs/String]
- /ev_state [std_msgs/String]
- /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log]
- /server/client_count [std_msgs/Int32]
- /server/connected_clients [rosbridge_msgs/ConnectedClients]
- /server/dev_state [std_msgs/String]
- /server/mqtt [std_msgs/String]
- /state [std_msgs/String]
- /charge_state [std_msgs/String]
- /restart [unknown type]
- /server/dev_state [std_msgs/String]
- /server/mqtt [std_msgs/String]
- /state [std_msgs/String]
- /server/dev_cmd
- /server/fms_service
- /server/rosbridge_websocket/get_loggers
- /server/rosbridge_websocket/set_logger_level
- /service/io_call
contacting node http://fms:40837/ ... Pid: 2834 Connections:
- topic: /charge_state
- to: /server/rosbridge_websocket
- direction: outbound (40317 - [47]
- transport: TCPROS
- topic: /server/mqtt
- to: /server/rosbridge_websocket
- direction: outbound (40317 - [29]
- transport: TCPROS
- topic: /rosout
- to: /rosout
- direction: outbound (40317 - [13]
- transport: TCPROS
- topic: /state
- to: /server/rosbridge_websocket
- direction: outbound (40317 - [53]
- transport: TCPROS
- topic: /server/dev_state
- to: /server/rosbridge_websocket
- direction: outbound (40317 - [20]
- transport: TCPROS
- topic: /charge_state
- to: /server/rosbridge_websocket (http://fms:40837/)
- direction: inbound
- transport: TCPROS
- topic: /server/mqtt
- to: /server/rosbridge_websocket (http://fms:40837/)
- direction: inbound
- transport: TCPROS
- topic: /state
- to: /server/rosbridge_websocket (http://fms:40837/)
- direction: inbound
- transport: TCPROS
- topic: /server/dev_state
- to: /server/rosbridge_websocket (http://fms:40837/)
- direction: inbound
- transport: TCPROS
please help me
Have you solved this problem? I have the same problem
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