sequelize-typescript-example copied to clipboard
I'm just a beginner, I got this error when I set up the association table, I don't know why
association.init is not a function
I hope you can help me see it when you have time, I don't want to use the basic methods in the sequelize documentation, it will look very unprofessional
this is my source code // class user
* @description:
* @author: cuicui
* @Date: 2022-09-15 23:20:49
* @LastEditTime: 2022-10-19 21:45:49
* @LastEditors: cuicui
import { Idate } from './common';
import { Column, IsUUID,
DataType, Model, PrimaryKey, Table, AllowNull, Default, Index, DeletedAt, Scopes } from 'sequelize-typescript';
import BankCard from './bankCard';
interface IUser extends Idate {
username: string
password: string
sex: number
avatar: string
city: string
enabled: number
accountBalance: number
@Scopes(() => ({
bankCard: {
include: [{
model: BankCard,
through: { attributes: [] },
export default class User extends Model<IUser> {
Id: string;
comment: '账号',
username: string;
comment: '姓名',
realName: string;
type: DataType.STRING,
comment: '密码',
password: string;
type: DataType.INTEGER,
comment: '性别',
sex: number;
type: DataType.STRING,
comment: '头像',
avatar: string;
type: DataType.STRING,
comment: '城市',
city: string;
type: DataType.INTEGER,
comment: '启用状态: 0启用,1禁用',
enabled: number;
type: DataType.DECIMAL,
comment: '账户余额',
accountBalance: number;
type: DataType.DATE,
created_at: string;
type: DataType.DATE,
updated_at: string;
type: DataType.DATE,
deleted_at: string;
@HasMany(() => BankCard, 'userId')
bankCard?: BankCard[];
// class bankcard
* @description:
* @author: cuicui
* @Date: 2022-10-15 17:35:17
* @LastEditTime: 2022-10-19 20:43:25
* @LastEditors: cuicui
import { Idate } from './common';
// import Bank from './bank';
import User from './user';
import { Column, IsUUID,
// BelongsTo,
DataType, Model, PrimaryKey, Table, AllowNull, Default, Index, DeletedAt, Scopes } from 'sequelize-typescript';
interface IBankCard extends Idate {
cardId: string
bankId: string
userId: string
@Scopes(() => ({
user: {
include: [
model: User,
through: { attributes: [] },
class BankCard extends Model<IBankCard> {
Id: string;
comment: '银行卡号',
cardId: string;
// @ForeignKey(() => Bank)
comment: '所属银行',
bankId: string;
@ForeignKey(() => User)
comment: '所属用户',
userId: string;
// @BelongsTo(() => User, 'userId')
// user: User;
type: DataType.DATE,
created_at: string;
type: DataType.DATE,
updated_at: string;
type: DataType.DATE,
deleted_at: string;
// @BelongsTo(() => Bank, 'bankId')
// bank: Bank;
export default BankCard;
// packge.json
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