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What are we expecting to see in this data. eg Are there barcodes? It appears to be a 1 GB fasta file (which is a bit odd as fasta does...
This is a priority to get done this week.
Does it make sense to continue Amazon back up - is backup in this manner needed? is there a better UW solution? eg lolo
Take the transcriptome and fully annotate gene associated with reproduction
Idea from lab meeting today to explore a means by which to create Quarto notebook posts in individual project GitHub repos and then pull those posts into a Quarto website...
Based on NCBI transcripts in this snail paper : see if homologs are present in C. gigas. Should just be able to create multi-fasta and blast. Do add link...
for @ggoetznoaa / @mgavery can advise TLDR: [Nightingales Folder]( - F05/F14 prefix
Step 1 identify data Step 2 run Bismark Step 2 run Methylkit