stm32_graphics_display_drivers copied to clipboard
Touch support for ili9341?
It seems there is no touch support for ili9341. I tried to use appPaint with ili9341 and found there are no ts_drv and ts_cindex definitions.
I Updated the driver, but I can't tested (I have not a 8 bits paralell ili9341 display with touch). Please first step is the appTouchCalib.
My display is different from Adafruit's which has X-/+, Y-/+ pins exposed. The touch controller of my display use SPI connection. Does this mean I cannot use the touch support in your library?
I put the touchscreen on the paralell 8bit, because they are in common pins with the display control and therefore cannot be separated. What kind of display is it?
The touch controller IC is XPT2046.
Since this touchscreen is independent of the display controls, any xpt2046 driver can be used. But if I have time, I'll check it out because I have this touch chip on one of my displays.
@yuanyanhui I have a similar module, I am trying to make it work but the display shows nothing, no backlight too. When I pull the LEDA pin to 3.3V the backlight did work but still nothing on the display. Can you help me out?
Since then, the standalone xpt2046 driver has been completed.