Robert Chisholm

Results 78 comments of Robert Chisholm

Windows log from first successful conda packaging

## Summary of warnings (Windows) Missing dlls, both CUDA should probably be provided by driver/CUDA, so will add to DSO whitelist. The VC++ ones appear similar to the python warnings...

Windows vis build now seems to work. Linux is stuck on CMake finding OpenGL. OpenGL is not a conda package as it's more of a system lib. [This]( guide suggests...

**trying to get cos7 to work** cdt cos7 seems alot like a conda-forge feature. > `- sysroot_{{ target_platform }} 2.17 # [linux]` > or > `- sysroot_linux-64 2.17 # [linux64]`...

Shall see how far I can work through this list for publishing on conda-forge this week. Working on this here.

Ok I had a very quick play with this. Changed ``` %define TEMPLATE_VARIABLE_INSTANTIATE_ID(function, classfunction) TEMPLATE_VARIABLE_INSTANTIATE(function, classfunction) %template(function ## ID) classfunction; %enddef // Array version, passing default 2nd template arg 0...

Have reported the issue to SWIG:

#788 is the old PR

Update regarding header pre-loading with Jitify2/CUDA 12.3 **Windows/CUDA 12.0** ``` No preload Millis: 6822.000000 Millis: 6853.000000 Preloading FLAMEGPU headers Millis: 4045.000000 Millis: 4277.000000 Preload FLAMEGPU + CUDA headers Millis: 1296.000000...