raylib-app icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
raylib-app copied to clipboard

Application wrapper for raylib


Application wrapper for raylib.


Building raylib for both the desktop and web need some subtle differences with checks against PLATFORM. raylib-app aims to clean up those differences, and make the code easier to read for a unified application entry. This pattern is inspired by sokol_app.


#include "raylib.h"

#include "raylib-app.h"

void Init(App* app) {
    // InitWindow() is automatically called prior to this function.

void UpdateDrawFrame(App* app) {


        DrawText("Congrats! You created your first raylib-app!", 180, 200, 20, LIGHTGRAY);


void Close(App* app) {
    // CloseWindow() is automatically called after this function completes.

App Main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    return (App) {
        .width = 800,
        .height = 450,
        .title = "raylib-app [core] example - basic window",
        .init = Init,
        .update = UpdateDrawFrame,
        .close = Close,
        .fps = 60,


Rather than having your own int main(), you will define your own App Main(int argc char* argv[]) function.

App Main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    return (App) {
        .width = 800,                          // The width of the window
        .height = 450,                         // The height of the window
        .title = "raylib-app",                 // The window title
        .init = Init,                          // The init callback that is called when the application initializes
        .update = UpdateDrawFrame,             // The update callback that is called when the application should render
        .close = Close,                        // The close callback which is called when the application is closed
        .fps = 60,                             // The target frames-per-second
        .configFlags = FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE,  // The flags that are passed to SetConfigFlags()
        .shouldClose = false,                  // Indicate whether or not the application should be closed
        .exitStatus = 0,                       // When the application closes, this is the exit status that is returned
        .userData = NULL                       // Custom user data that is passed through all the callbacks


Through the update callback, you can call the following function to let the application know that it should stop calling the update callback.

void CloseApp(App* app);    // Tells the application that it should close.


There are a few ways to build raylib-app.


cmake -B build
cmake --build build


mkdir build
cd build
emmake make


raylib-app is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check LICENSE for further details.