example-prometheus-nodejs copied to clipboard
Prometheus monitoring example with Node.js
plz aproove this.....doing this for a swag....thanks a lot.
Resolves #10. PR likely should be applied before PR #9
Existing docs appear to be missing a hyphen, causing a syntax error for users. `docker run -p 9090:9090 -v "$(pwd)/prometheus-data":/prometheus-data prom/prometheus -config.file=/prometheus-data/prometheus.yml` Should be: `docker run -p 9090:9090 -v "$(pwd)/prometheus-data":/prometheus-data...
Resolves issue #6 based on contributors feedback. Note: Applying PR #9 and then creating a `v1` branch might, and applying this PR might be a better approach. See comments in...
An alternative resolution for issue #6, related to _prom/prometheus_ v1.x.x having a different schema for `rules` than the latest _prom/prometheus_ v2.x.x iterations. Potentially, this fix could be tagged in a...
➜ prometheus-data git:(master) ✗ promtool test rules alert.rules Unit Testing: alert.rules FAILED: yaml: line 7: mapping values are not allowed in this context How to fix this issue.
Hello, I have followed this and have NodeJS services exposing metrics at http://application:9083/metrics. Then I tried to use https://github.com/RisingStack/example-prometheus-nodejs/blob/master/grafana-dashboard.json to have graphs on Grafana, but it always shows blank (...