Rishabh Jain
Rishabh Jain
Make `Debug=False `for the production Environment in a different settings file.
Please refer to [this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40758711/how-to-set-a-default-handler-for-csrf-verification-failed-in-django) link for adding the error handler.
When the user submits the email on the forgot password page then if the email is not registered with us then show the message like `This email id is not...
Also add the branch EEE. Add the fields for M.tech CS, EC, ME.
In order to solve this, just change the contacts model from `PositiveIntegerField` to `IntegerField`.
After submitting the wi-fi form a flash message like `Please contact computer center(AB-1) for further verification.` must be visible to the user.
When a faculty user uploads notice then then form errors must be displayed.