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A conversation plugin class for pyrogram using inbuild Update Handlers


A conversation plugin class for pyrogram using inbuild Update Handlers

Complete list of handlers to be used without Handlers postfix :-


Use the package manager pip to install or simply copy the class file to your project.

pip install git+

Basic Usage Where the Client is initialized

from pyrogram import Client
from convopyro import Conversation

app = Client('MyApp')
Conversation(app) # That's it!

Then at any update handler

answer = client.listen.CallbackQuery(filters.user(


from convopyro import listen_message

async def start(client, message):
	await client.send_mesage(, "What's your name?")

	answer = await listen_message(client,, timeout=None)
	await answer.reply(f'hello {answer.text}')

Advanced Usage

The conversation class has 2 primary methods listen.Handler (Handlers like Message, CallbackQuery ...etc) and listen.Cancel for ending an ongoing listener.


The conversation listen.Message (or any other Handler) takes 3 parameters, default is None but either filter or id as parameter is required.

  • filters : Single or Combined is required but this is optional if id is passed with a valid single user or chat filter (which will learn below).

  • id : An unique id for each listen, this could be str, a single user filter or chat filter, this is mostly optional and only needed to Cancel() a conversation listen. If user/chat filter is passed then it combines itself with filters so you dont need to repeat again in filters using &, where as if str is used it's just used normally as id.

  • timeout : Waiting time in seconds int for getting a response optional.


  • Update : Based on handlers used could be one of received updates such as Message, CallbackQuery, etc.
  • None : When listen gets cancel using listen.Cancel a None is return as response at listen callback.
  • Exception : An asyncio.TimeoutError is raised if provided waiting time get's over.


The conversation listen.Cancel takes 1 required parameter. This method is used to cancel a specific conversation listen.


  • Boolean : False if id provided already cancelled or invalid.


async def _(client, query):
	# This will return response None at listen
	await client.listen.Cancel(filters.user(

async def _(client, message):
	button = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton('Cancel Question', callback_data = 'stop')]])
	question = await client.send_message(, 'Enter your name in 5s.', reply_markup = button)
	# A nice flow of conversation
		response = await client.listen.Message(filters.text, id = filters.user(, timeout = 5)
	except asyncio.TimeoutError:
		await message.reply('Too late 5s gone.')
		if response:
			await response.reply(f'Hello {response.text}')
			await message.reply('Okay cancelled question!')
		await question.delete()