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Customizing the content of leftUi and rightUi for bs4DashNavbar
Hi David, After switching from version 0.5.0 to the current 2.0.0 there is a piece of functionality that I'd like to see kept in the new edition of bs4Dash.
In GeneTonic, I am using this configuration

This is visible and running at this instance:
The new version seems to complain that I am trying to put for example an actionButton (that is essential for "bookmarking features"), or some dropdown elements from shinyWidgets.
The error returned is
Error in tagAssert(item, type = "li", class = "dropdown") :
Expected tag to be of type li
Can this check be "relaxed"? Or if this is not possible - can you recommend some alternative ways to have such a button?
Thanks in advance! Federico
If I spot the right location:
This part is making a check on being both a "li" and a "dropdown", which would basically enforce this to come from the dropdownMenu
Given that afterwards this is simply put in the dashboard elements, maybe it is not so bad to give the extra freedom - or am I missing some consideration at a higher level for the package?
Have you made any progress on this issue? I'm struggling with the same thing.
Yes Olivia @oliviaswarthout !
I followed the tip from @DivadNojnarg and basically just avoid using the leftUi and rightUi, so I just place the content in the ...
You might need to play around with the placement options of the elements - see e.g. here for an example:
There might as well be better options, so I'm all ears if someone has a suggestion 😉
@federicomarini @oliviaswarthout
Not sure if I'm too late to the party, but I was having this same issue trying to position a logout button from shinyauthr in the rightUi of the dashboardHeader using bs4Dash. I solved it with the code below! It works without the tagList wrapper too, but this allows more than one element to be easily placed.
,rightUi = tagList(tags$li(class='dropdown', shinyauthr::logoutUI(id = "logout")))