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Rayman 2 - The Great Escape
Game summary
- Game name: Rayman 2 The Great Escape
- Game version: Any (USA / Europe)
Daedalus X64 summary
- Version: v0.2
Doesn't load main menu properly, therefore unable to start the game.
Recommended labels
- ingame (low)
Main menu can now be navigated (even if it's still invisible) and it's possible to get in game with quite a decent framerate too.
Text now displays properly in cutscenes but the game still runs somewhat slow. Menus still don't show any text.
Icons on the HUD and on menus now display correctly.
An interesting thing to note is that the framerate is higher when in first-person view mode. This leads me to believe that rendering rayman isn't optimised yet. This could be the case for 3D models in general.
Can confirm the game is playable at full speed now. Water and shadows still show weird textures. Some effects like lums display incorrectly. Audio is completely broken on asynchronous. the switch near the start of the second level is broken as well i think?
Game logic has been fixed.
DaedalusX64 v0.6 Renderer Legacy or modern Same on USA or E rom - (E) is best Texture caching: accurate
At the end boss of Cave of Bad Dreams. If you die....the boss may disappear and not return leaving you unable to advance....if this happens....disable texture cache. Then die and it should load fine. After beating boss switch back to accurate tc. Or DONT DIE! Lol
Edit: Same happens at end of Canopy level. After the pirate ship...pirate will fall through ground, leaving you unable to advance. Disable texture cache....die...then beat pirate and switch back or it will crash.
Edit2: played all the way...100% no other issues.