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Audio glitches
Hi! First of all, thank you for your kind words about this library, much appreciated! I've encountered a similar issue with certain audio files. After applying deep filtering, I've noticed outlier short noises, almost like glitches. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks!
I'm seeing a similar issue with DeepFilterNet2. How do I need to modify it? I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me! Here is my configuration file: [train] seed = 42 device = model = deepfilternet2 mask_only = False df_only = False jit = False batch_size = 96 batch_size_eval = 0 overfit = False num_workers = 4 max_sample_len_s = 5.0 num_prefetch_batches = 32 global_ds_sampling_f = 1.0 dataloader_snrs = -5,0,5,10,20,40 dataloader_gains = -6,0,6 batch_size_scheduling = 0/8, 1/16, 2/24, 4/32, 9/64, 19/96 max_epochs = 50 validation_criteria = loss validation_criteria_rule = min early_stopping_patience = 5 start_eval = False
[df] sr = 48000 fft_size = 960 hop_size = 480 nb_erb = 32 nb_df = 96 norm_tau = 1 lsnr_max = 35 lsnr_min = -15 min_nb_erb_freqs = 2 df_order = 5 df_lookahead = 0 pad_mode = input
[deepfilternet] conv_lookahead = 0 conv_ch = 16 conv_depthwise = True convt_depthwise = True conv_kernel = 1,3 conv_kernel_inp = 3,3 emb_hidden_dim = 256 emb_num_layers = 2 df_hidden_dim = 256 df_gru_skip = none df_output_layer = linear df_pathway_kernel_size_t = 1 enc_concat = False df_num_layers = 3 df_n_iter = 2 gru_type = grouped gru_groups = 1 linear_groups = 1 group_shuffle = True dfop_method = real_unfold mask_pf = False
[distortion] p_reverb = 0.5 p_bandwidth_ext = 0.0 p_clipping = 0.0 p_zeroing = 0.0 p_air_absorption = 0.5 p_interfer_sp = 0.0
[optim] lr = 0.0005 momentum = 0 weight_decay = 0.05 optimizer = adamw lr_min = 1e-06 lr_warmup = 0.0001 warmup_epochs = 3 lr_cycle_mul = 1.0 lr_cycle_decay = 0.5 lr_cycle_epochs = -1 weight_decay_end = -1
[maskloss] factor = 0 mask = iam gamma = 0.6 gamma_pred = 0.6 f_under = 2 max_freq = 0
[spectralloss] factor_magnitude = 0 factor_complex = 0 factor_under = 1 gamma = 1
[multiresspecloss] factor = 0 factor_complex = 0 gamma = 1 fft_sizes = 512,1024,2048
[sdrloss] factor = 0
[localsnrloss] factor = 0.0005
[asrloss] factor = 0 factor_lm = 0 loss_lm = CrossEntropy model = base.en
I just solved this problem. I'll share it here. Through inspection, I found that my problem was due to incorrect configuration of loss. I estimate that the loss parameters in the config file generated by the author are default and they need to be modified according to the papers. Here are some reference links:
Hi Viki, can you please expand a little bit your solution? Thank you!
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