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The ultra-fast implementation of reactivity for javascript
Ultra-fast implementation of reactivity for javascript.
The following command installs cellx as a npm package:
npm install cellx --save
let user = {
firstName: cellx('Matroskin'),
lastName: cellx('Cat'),
fullName: cellx(function() {
return (user.firstName() + ' ' + user.lastName()).trim();
user.fullName.subscribe(function() {
console.log('fullName: ' + user.fullName());
// => 'Matroskin Cat'
// => 'fullName: Sharik Dog'
Despite the fact that the two dependencies of the cell fullName
has been changed, event handler worked only once.
Important feature of cellx is that it tries to get rid of unnecessary calls
of the event handlers as well as of unnecessary calls of the dependent cells calculation formulas.
In combination with some special optimizations, this leads to an ideal speed of calculation of
the complex dependencies networks.
One test, which is used for measuring the performance, generates grid with multiply "layers" each of which is composed of 4 cells. Cells are calculated from the previous layer of cells (except the first one, which contains initial values) by the formula A2=B1, B2=A1-C1, C2=B1+D1, D2=C1. After that start time is stored, values of all first layer cells are changed and time needed to update all last layer cells is measured. Test results (in milliseconds) for different number of layers (for Google Chrome 53.0.2785.116 (64-bit)):
Library ↓ \ Number of computed layers → | 10 | 20 | 30 | 50 | 100 | 1000 | 5000 |
cellx | <~1 | <~1 | <~1 | <~1 | <~1 | 4 | 20 |
VanillaJS (naive) | <~1 | 15 | 1750 | >300000 | >300000 | >300000 | >300000 |
Knockout | 10 | 750, increases in subsequent runs | 67250, increases in subsequent runs | >300000 | >300000 | >300000 | >300000 |
$jin.atom | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 40 | 230 |
$mol_atom | <~1 | <~1 | <~1 | 1 | 2 | 20 | RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded |
Reactor.js | <~1 | <~1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 50 | 230 |
Reactive.js | <~1 | <~1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 140 | RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded |
Kefir.js | 25 | 2500 | >300000 | >300000 | >300000 | >300000 | >300000 |
MobX | <~1 | <~1 | <~1 | 2 | 3 | 40 | RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded |
Test sources can be found in the folder perf. Density of connections in real applications is usually lower than in the present test, that is, if a certain delay in the test is visible in 100 calculated cells (25 layers), in a real application, this delay will either be visible in the greater number of cells, or cells formulas will include some complex calculations (e.g., computation of one array from other).
Cells can be stored in the variables:
let num = cellx(1);
let plusOne = cellx(() => num() + 1);
// => 2
or in the callable properties:
function User(name) {
this.name = cellx(name);
this.nameInitial = cellx(() => this.name().charAt(0).toUpperCase());
let user = new User('Matroskin');
// => 'M'
or in simple properties:
function User(name) {
cellx.define(this, {
name: name,
nameInitial: function() { return this.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); }
let user = new User('Matroskin');
// => 'M'
Usage with ES.Next
Use npm module cellx-decorators.
Usage with React
Use npm module cellx-react.
More modules for cellx
When you create a cell, you can pass some options:
Additional processing of value during reading:
// array that you can't mess up accidentally, the messed up thing will be a copy
let arr = cellx([1, 2, 3], {
get: arr => arr.slice()
// => 1
arr()[0] = 5;
// => 1
Used to create recordable calculated cells:
function User() {
this.firstName = cellx('');
this.lastName = cellx('');
this.fullName = cellx(
() => (this.firstName() + ' ' + this.lastName()).trim(),
put: name => {
name = name.split(' ');
let user = new User();
user.fullName('Matroskin Cat');
// => 'Matroskin'
// => 'Cat'
Validates the value during recording and calculating.
Validation during recording into the cell:
let num = cellx(5, {
validate: value => {
if (typeof value != 'number') {
throw new TypeError('Oops!');
try {
num('I string');
} catch (err) {
// => 'Oops!'
// => 5
Validation during the calculation of the cell:
let value = cellx(5);
let num = cellx(() => value(), {
validate: value => {
if (typeof value != 'number') {
throw new TypeError('Oops!');
num.subscribe(err => {
value('I string');
// => 'Oops!'
// => 'I string'
// => 5
Adds a change listener:
let num = cellx(5);
num.onChange(evt => {
// => { prevValue: 5, value: 10 }
Removes previously added change listener.
Adds a error listener:
let value = cellx(1);
let num = cellx(() => value(), {
validate: v => {
if (v > 1) {
throw new RangeError('Oops!');
num.onError(evt => {
// => 'Oops!'
Removes previously added error listener.
Subscribes to the events change
and error
. First argument comes into handler is an error object, second — an event.
user.fullName.subscribe((err, evt) => {
if (err) {
} else {
Unsubscribes from events change
and error
Subscription to the properties created with help cellx.define
Subscribe to changes in the properties created with help of cellx.define
possible through EventEmitter
class User extends cellx.EventEmitter {
constructor(name) {
cellx.define(this, {
nameInitial: function() { return this.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); }
let user = new User('Matroskin');
user.on('change:nameInitial', evt => {
console.log('nameInitial: ' + evt.value);
// => 'M'
user.name = 'Sharik';
// => 'nameInitial: S'
In many reactivity engines calculated cell (atom, observable-property) should be seen as a normal event handler for other cells, that is, for "killing" the cell it is not enough to simply remove all handlers from it and lose the link to it, it is also necessary to decouple it from its dependencies. Calculated cells in cellx constantly monitor the presence of handlers for themselves and all their descendants, and in cases of their (handlers) absence went to the passive updates mode, i.e. unsubscribe themselves from their dependencies and are evaluated immediately upon reading. Thus, to "kill" of the cell you just calculated remove from it all handlers added before and forget the link to it; you do not need to think about the other cells, from which it is calculated or which are calculated from it. After this, garbage collector will clean everything.
You can call the dispose
, just in case:
This will remove all the handlers, not only from the cell itself, but also from all cells calculated from it, and in the absence of links all branch of dependencies will "die".
Dynamic actualisation of dependencies
Calculated cell formula can be written so that a set of dependencies may change over time. For example:
let user = {
firstName: cellx(''),
lastName: cellx(''),
name: cellx(() => {
return this.firstName() || this.lastName();
There, while firstName
is still empty string, cell name
is signed for firstName
and lastName
and change in any of them will lead to the change in its value. If you assign to the firstName
some not empty
string, then during recalculation of value name
it simply will not come to reading lastName
in the formula,
i.e. the value of the cell name
from this moment will not depend on lastName
In such cases, cells automatically unsubscribe from dependencies insignificant for them and are not recalculated
when they change. In the future, if the firstName
again become an empty string, the cell name
will re-subscribe
to the lastName
Synchronization of value with synchronous storage
let foo = cellx(() => localStorage.foo || 'foo', {
put: function(cell, value) {
localStorage.foo = value;
let foobar = cellx(() => foo() + 'bar');
console.log(foobar()); // => 'foobar'
console.log(localStorage.foo); // => undefined
console.log(foobar()); // => 'FOObar'
console.log(localStorage.foo); // => 'FOO'
Synchronization of value with asynchronous storage
let request = (() => {
let value = 1;
return {
get: url => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
ok: true,
}, 1000);
put: (url, params) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
value = params.value;
ok: true
}, 1000);
let foo = cellx(function(cell, next = 0) {
request.get('http://...').then((res) => {
if (res.ok) {
} else {
return next;
}, {
put: (value, cell, next) => {
request.put('http://...', { value: value }).then(res => {
if (res.ok) {
} else {
foo.subscribe(() => {
console.log('New foo value: ' + foo());
// => 0
foo('then', () => {
// => 'New foo value: 1'
// => 1
// => 'New foo value: 5'