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Wired!!! .track() attribute will lead app to crash in the situation when i call CFDictionaryGetValue for CTRun's runAttribute about kCTKernAttributedName
Develope Enviroment: XCode 10.1 Mac: 10.14.1
// fail situation
let quote = "『In this situation app will crash, the console report: p_kern_val is null pointer』"
let baseStyle = StringStyle(.font(UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 25)),
let quoteStyle = baseStyle.byAdding(.tracking(.point(20)))
let attrStr = quote.styled(with: quoteStyle)
// success situation
let quote = "『In this situation, i can get the right kern value』"
let baseStyle = StringStyle(.font(UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 25)),
let mStr = NSMutableAttributedString.init(attributedString: str)
mStr.addAttribute(.kern, value: 20, range: NSMakeRange(0, str.length))
// get kern value
let ctRunAttrs = CTRunGetAttributes(ctRun)
let p_kern_key = Unmanaged.passUnretained(kCTKernAttributeName).toOpaque()
let p_kern_val = CFDictionaryGetValue(ctRunAttrs, p_kern_key)
let p_kern = Unmanaged<CFNumber>.fromOpaque(p_kern_val!).takeUnretainedValue()
var kern: CGFloat = 0
CFNumberGetValue(p_kern, .cgFloatType, &kern)
@k3oirj2 thanks for this report! Your "success situation" code doesn't compile. There is no variable called str
defined. Would you mind updating the code sample so I can reproduce the non-crashing case? And could you please also provide the value for ctRun
that you're using?
Actually, I'm not that familiar with Core Text. If you could provide a Playground or unit test case that demonstrates the crash, it would help me a ton with debugging this.
@ZevEisenberg Thanks for your reply, @k3oirj2 is my another account, and i don't use it anymore. I will update my core text sample code into my repository. and i will inform you. thanks for your reply again.
@LevineKwok 👋 were you ever able to reproduce this with code you can share?