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asp.net core 3.1 localization administration issue
While WestWind Globalization is working fine in the asp.net application, the administration is not working properly.
If I use DbRes.T("Text") it works fine. It adds the text ton the database (MySQL) and if it exists it gets the proper translation.
The problem is the administration panel is not working. I doesn't load any resource or connects to the database. Everything is well configured and I have tried all the things I have seen in this forum. It says "An unhandled error occurred." and I see a problem in GetResourceSets and GetLocalizationInfo.
Any suggestion?
I am facing the same issue. Logging into db works, admin localization UI does not. I am getting 500 response. I am using .NET Core 3.0. It seems the tool does not even log anything as i have ILogger setup via DI and there is no error in in the log.
I have excatly the same issue with .net core 3.1. Administration does not work. Did you find a solution ?
I think you are facing the same issue that has been reported in #181 and a solution has been proposed (my guess is it will also work for you too). A PR has been submitted but it seems like @RickStrahl has vanished hehe :)
Try this new package on Nuget and see if it works for you.
@os1r1s110 I tried the proposed package for .net 3.0 but it also not working. Admin UI doesn't connect to Database and there is just 500 error status.
Has anyone else succeeded with .net core 3.0?
@m2git there might be something else going on here as I'm using it with 3.1 and everything works fine for the localization admin UI...
I was facing the same issue, using this nuget package Westwind.Globalization.AspnetCore31 , the 500 errors calling GetResourceSets and GetLocalizationInfo were gone.
But after that, the Translate service which allow to make the translation between languages is giving the 500 error.
I have no clue for now, the package does not log the error anywhere.
Any suggestion? , Thanks in advance.
@edwarod I'm using it with .net 5. (I haven't had any problems so far.)
if you are getting this error that may be the reason.
you should add "AddNewtonsoftJson()" to ""AddRazorPages() or AddMVC()".
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson
it needs to work after that.
also, you should check the steps Installation and Configuration for .NET Core again