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Micro framework for building text adventure games (MUDs) in Ruby

Ruby Mud

A microframework for building Telnet-based text adventure games using Ruby. Started as a curiosity, now it's an actual ruby gem.

It's got:

  • Sockets
  • Threads
  • ?????
  • 0 external runtime dependencies (pure Ruby, yo.)


  • gem install ruby-mud
  • require 'ruby_mud'
  • Follow the tutorial.

A Word of Caution Before Starting...

Telnet is insecure by default. All network traffic to the game is sent in the clear. Advise users against using real passwords when running this codebase. This ain't SSH!

Quick Tutorial

require 'ruby_mud'

# Controllers define the action for a menu / sub-game. Eg: Login screen, 
# main game, map screen, etc.. By default, the server will start new connections
# in MudServer::DefaultController.
class MudServer::DefaultController
  # on_start will always be called when the user enters a controller.
  # You don't need to use it, but it's there.
  def on_start
    # Send messages via send_text.
    send_text "Welcome! Here's a list of available commands"
    send_text "TIME  : See the current time."
    send_text "SAY   : Talk."
    send_text "SECRET: Go somewhere super secret."
    send_text "QUIT  : Disconnect from the server."
  # For security, you must explicitly whitelist any commands that you want to
  # give players access to. Otherwise they will not be accessible by users.
  def allowed_methods
    super + ['time', 'secret', 'say'] # Quit is available by default via `super`
                                      # No need to implement it yourself.
  # User input after a command is provided via `params`.
  def say
   send_text "You just said: #{params}"

  def time
    send_text "The time is now #{}"
  #Transfer people to a different menu / area using `transfer_to`
  def secret
    transfer_to PokerRoom # Define the PokerRoom as a controller.

# An example of another controller / sub-game / menu.
class PokerRoom < MudServer::AbstractController # controllers are inherited.
  def on_start
    send_text 'You found the secret poker room!'
    send_text 'Type DEAL to get a hand of cards.'

  def allowed_methods
    ['quit', 'deal']

  def deal
    send_text 'Did I say poker? I meant dice.'
    send_text "You rolled a #{rand(5)+1}."


server = '', '4321' # Run server on all IPs on port 4321.
                                         # Defaults to if none set.
server.start # Accept connections

puts 'Press enter to exit.'

server.stop if gets.chomp