Richie Bendall

Results 98 issues of Richie Bendall

I've updated and formatted the HTML file to use the new HTML5 meta tags.

I've migrated the plain text README file to one that is markdown compatible and nice and fancy.

Output in Windows Terminal: ![Grid of colours with an ansi256 code and a corresponding ansi16 code]( Fixes #92, Fixes #89

Consider switching to using puppeteer to spawn a browser in the background and playing the audio file from there - would help with compatibility?

help wanted

Nowadays, fetching GitHub repositories is significantly easier. Fixes #16

It would be useful to return the numerator and denominator separately in an array so it can be formatted however the consumer likes.

Fixes #6192 Fixes #6233

cla signed

Starting in Node.js v8.5.0, has been implemented: ```js const { performance } = require("perf_hooks") ```

Trying to use `csb-hex` returns: ``` ---FLAGRANT SYSTEM ERROR--- (logs uuid: cdbfe6e0-000e-11eb-a8aa-d70e2224d100 ) Error: "EACCES: permission denied, open '/tmp/csb-hex120826-9093-1mrsnxf.7uya/package/package.json'" errno: -13 code: EACCES syscall: open path: /tmp/csb-hex120826-9093-1mrsnxf.7uya/package/package.json dirPath: /tmp/csb-hex120826-9093-1mrsnxf.7uya This...

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