Richard Simpson

Results 183 comments of Richard Simpson

> When a service launches "Buildpacks support," what does that mean to you? In this case, something similar to how "Code-based service" works today, except with various curated and well-defined...

If there's any pointers here, I'd be interested in possible trying to PoC or contribute this!

@kichik Certainly! I know docker and windows is its own fun circus to get working, something we're currently working on which prompted this request :)

@kichik Apologies, I just saw this 😅

@a-h It might be worth cross-posting that to (which is the underlying repo) as that means the collector itself is taking that long to boot.

Random dude here: I look forward this future project if and when it comes to fruition! I didn't realize you worked on the Edge team.

@FremyCompany Haha, well I wish you the best and hope your time with the Edge team has been good so far! They seem like a great team.

> they would have to be modified to work with the lambda runtime. This is my point of confusion too. Lambda isn't (at the moment) a generic container runtime, it...

@megamorf Which leads me to agree that not even a roadmap item mentioning PowerShell is quite an oversight, but I agree with the decision to make the base-level client a...