Richard Simpson

Results 183 comments of Richard Simpson

@brcrista and your understanding is correct. Ideally with some extra smarts enabled by knowing exactly which packageManager is in use.

There is the perfectly fine alternative for now to just have corepack be opt in. Lets people use it without conflicting with the action, and makes flipping the switch later...

@mikemaccana As mentioned on the other two issues, PowerShell isn't available in all Windows SKUs which this is targeting. For native PowerShell support, you're looking for

It's been mentioned multiple times across multiple sources: * *

I'm cool with that as long as the ultimate functionality is still flexible enough to be consumed from other tools

You'd still have to deal with VPC complexity, but if can create an IPv6 only VPC then you can use egress-only gateways which don't have a steady state cost like...

> good hint! did you get app runner to work with an egress only internet gateway? the [aws docs]( still mention "App Runner currently only supports IPv4." Ah foo. I...

There doesn't seem to be a clean escape hatch in either schema or migrations to enable this too, making it even more important.

After doing some work w/ drizzle for a while, you can indeed emulate RLS (and by extension Supabase) via manually hand editing Migration files & using transactions to set contextual...

Like #11, an MVP should be the SDK taking the durable object stub, and returning a wrapper with the same fetch interface that makes sure the trace is propagated. I...