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Grove - Discord Music Bot powered by Lavalink

Grove Bot

Grove is a Verified Discord Music Bot powered by Lavalink.

There are several ways to create a music bot, the best known of which is using ytdl-core. The one we're going to use is Lavalink.

Why Lavalink?

Lavalink is the best way to create a music bot, because lavalink is easy to use and has several functions.

Functions like:

  • Great streaming quality.
  • Rich features.
  • Filters to use in the music.
  • Can play song from several plataforms.

And more.

Getting starting

To start this project, I will pass all the dependencies that we will use:

Lavalink ascii-table byte-size discord.js erela.js erela.js-spotify figlet fs glob lyrics-finder music-progress-bar os

If you want to know why we use this, just read the descriptions of the NPM listed!

Installing Lavalink

To install lavalink, you must have JDK 11 installed, if you don't have it, click here to download it, if you have installed, just continue the process. click here and you will be redirected to lavalink's repository!

After you have installed, you extract it to any folder. Once this is done, you will create an application.yml file and place it:

server: # REST and WS server
  port: 2333
    password: "YOUR PASSWORD HERE"
      youtube: true
      bandcamp: true
      soundcloud: true
      twitch: true
      vimeo: true
      mixer: true
      http: true
      local: false
    bufferDurationMs: 400
    youtubePlaylistLoadLimit: 6 # Number of pages at 100 each
    playerUpdateInterval: 5 # How frequently to send player updates to clients, in seconds
    youtubeSearchEnabled: true
    soundcloudSearchEnabled: true
    gc-warnings: true
      #ipBlocks: ["", "..."] # list of ip blocks
      #excludedIps: ["...", "..."] # ips which should be explicit excluded from usage by lavalink
      #strategy: "RotateOnBan" # RotateOnBan | LoadBalance | NanoSwitch | RotatingNanoSwitch
      #searchTriggersFail: true # Whether a search 429 should trigger marking the ip as failing
      #retryLimit: -1 # -1 = use default lavaplayer value | 0 = infinity | >0 = retry will happen this numbers times

    enabled: false
    endpoint: /metrics

  dsn: ""
  environment: ""
#  tags:
#    some_key: some_value
#    another_key: another_value

    max-history: 30
    max-size: 1GB
  path: ./logs/

    root: INFO
    lavalink: INFO

Detail: Don't forgot to change the password in the application.yml file!

Starting Lavalink Server

To start your Lavalink server, enter the Lavalink folder, hold SHIFT + Right-click, and click in Open Terminal Here or Open Powershell Here and type

java -jar Lavalink.jar

After that, you will see something like this:

       .   _                  _ _       _    __ _ _
      /\\ | | __ ___   ____ _| (_)_ __ | | __\ \ \ \
     ( ( )| |/ _` \ \ / / _` | | | '_ \| |/ / \ \ \ \
      \\/ | | (_| |\ V / (_| | | | | | |   <   ) ) ) )
       '  |_|\__,_| \_/ \__,_|_|_|_| |_|_|\_\ / / / /

        Version:        4a8414f3d99752a637e24665e17c8d837604dc18-SNAPSHOT
        Build:          Unofficial
        Build time:     28.10.2020 02:17:33 UTC
        Branch          dev
        Commit:         4a8414f
        Commit time:    28.10.2020 02:15:23 UTC
        JVM:            11.0.9
        Lavaplayer      1.3.53

And done! Your Lavalink server is running!

Source by BONEE4

If necessary, contact patek#0001