Richard Hightower
Richard Hightower
StatsDReplicator - Could not send all of stat java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=128 cap=1600] to host you can turn this error message off after a few times.
QBit does not support method overloading methods in Service Queues problem name access$getServiceMgmt$p This happens with Kotlin. We should not process method names with $ in them.
``` java @QueueCallback(QueueCallbackType.INIT) fun connectionInit() { checkConnectionBreaker() } @QueueCallback(QueueCallbackType.SHUTDOWN) fun shutdown() { try { connectionBreaker.ifOk { it.close() }.cleanup { it.close() } } catch (ex : Exception) { logger.warn("unable to close...
``` managedServiceBuilder.getContextMetaBuilder().setTitle(""); ``` managedServiceBuilder should have a title which sets the title on the stats system and the context meta data (swagger)
EndpointServiceServer should take a promise for startup.. promise is for complete of server
``` java @QueueCallback({QueueCallbackType.LIMIT}) public void process1() { System.out.println("PROCESS LIMIT"); flushServiceProxy(auditor); } @QueueCallback({QueueCallbackType.EMPTY}) public void process2() { System.out.println("PROCESS EMPTY"); flushServiceProxy(auditor); } @QueueCallback({QueueCallbackType.IDLE}) public void process3() { System.out.println("PROCESS IDLE"); flushServiceProxy(auditor); } ```...
May 10, 2016 10:22:44 AM io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl SEVERE: Connection refused: localhost/
We need a version of createProxy (form sb) that does not put an error.. perhaps createExpectedProxy ``` ERROR i.a.q.s.i.ServiceBundleImpl - Service requested does not exist todoService ```
``` if (serviceThread.get() !=null && serviceThread.get() == Thread.currentThread()) { mgmt.increment(name) } else { val thread = Thread.currentThread()"Getting called from another thread {} not {}",, serviceThread.get()?.name ?: "not set")...