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Error in squash minified bundle, malformed minification.
I have a repo, https://github.com/backspaces/as-app3d, using squash to minify Rollup bundles. Using the minified bundle fails with a browser error. The minified bundle is mal-formed.
In the example I give below, the minified/squashed version fails with:
Uncaught ReferenceError: e3 is not defined
To reproduce:
mkdir test; cd test curl http://backspaces.net/temp/docs.zip > foo.zip (made for this issue) unzip foo.zip (or just clone the repo, and use the docs (github page) for the rest below)
In a browser (chrome for me): open localhost page test/docs/models/helloesm.html for my test: http://localhost/home/Downloads/test/docs/models/helloesm.html result: runs fine
edit docs/models/helloesm.html: '../dist/as-app3d.esm.js' > '../dist/as-app3d.esm.min.js' (minified with squash) run url above: console: Uncaught ReferenceError: e3 is not defined
To test with uglify-es:
uglifyjs docs/dist/as-app3d.esm.js > docs/dist/as-app3d.esm.ugly.js edit helloesm.html: as-app3d.esm.min.js > as-app3d.esm.ugly.js run url as above
runs fine
The files involved
-rw-r--r-- 1 owen staff 178K Sep 7 15:10 as-app3d.esm.js -rw-r--r-- 1 owen staff 57K Sep 7 15:10 as-app3d.esm.min.js -rw-r--r-- 1 owen staff 71K Oct 30 21:50 as-app3d.esm.ugly.js
The file size difference might suggest a failure.
Here's the specific minified segment that fails:
Uncaught ReferenceError: e3 is not defined ...for(let e=0;e<n.length;e=e3){...
There is no other use of e3
in the file, so not a global.
Here it is prettier-ized
update(e) {
let t = this.mesh,
{ vertices: n, indices: r } = this.unitQuad,
o = 1,
i = t.geometry.getAttribute('position'),
a = t.geometry.getAttribute('uv'),
s = t.geometry.getIndex(),
u = new Float32Array(n.length * e.length),
c = [],
l = []
for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
let i = e[t]
i.sprite || i.setSprite()
let a = i.size,
s = i.theta,
d = Math.cos(s),
f = Math.sin(s),
h = t * n.length
for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e = e3) { <<<<
let t = n[e],
r = n[e + 1],
s = i.x,
c = i.y
u[e + h] = (a * (t * d - r * f) + s) * o
u[e + h + 1] = (a * (t * f + r * d) + c) * o
u[e + h + 2] = i.z * o
l.push(...r.map(e => e + t * 4))
i.needsUpdate = !0
a.setArray(new Float32Array(c))
a.needsUpdate = !0
s.setArray(new Uint32Array(l))
s.needsUpdate = !0
And here is the initial code:
update(turtles) {
const mesh = this.mesh;
const { vertices, indices } = this.unitQuad;
// const patchSize = this.model.world.patchSize
const patchSize = 1; // REMIND
const positionAttrib = mesh.geometry.getAttribute('position');
const uvAttrib = mesh.geometry.getAttribute('uv');
const indexAttrib = mesh.geometry.getIndex();
const positions = new Float32Array(vertices.length * turtles.length);
const uvs = [];
const indexes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < turtles.length; i++) {
const turtle = turtles[i];
// if (turtle.sprite.needsUpdate) turtle.setSprite()
if (!turtle.sprite) turtle.setSprite();
const size = turtle.size; // * patchSize
const theta = turtle.theta;
const cos = Math.cos(theta);
const sin = Math.sin(theta);
const offset = i * vertices.length;
for (let j = 0; j < vertices.length; j = j + 3) { <<<<
const x0 = vertices[j];
const y0 = vertices[j + 1];
const x = turtle.x; // * patchSize
const y = turtle.y; // * patchSize
positions[j + offset] =
(size * (x0 * cos - y0 * sin) + x) * patchSize;
positions[j + offset + 1] =
(size * (x0 * sin + y0 * cos) + y) * patchSize;
positions[j + offset + 2] = turtle.z * patchSize;
indexes.push(...indices.map(ix => ix + i * 4)); // 4
positionAttrib.needsUpdate = true;
uvAttrib.setArray(new Float32Array(uvs));
uvAttrib.needsUpdate = true;
indexAttrib.setArray(new Uint32Array(indexes));
indexAttrib.needsUpdate = true;