Riccardo Rossi

Results 74 comments of Riccardo Rossi

mmm,maybe problem is with the filename itself not being stored in utf8 in windows ... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2050973/what-encoding-are-filenames-in-ntfs-stored-as

next iteration ~~~json //things that live through an analysis: Model Project (yet to be added) serialized_streams/files ???? if restart skip preprocess { "stage1" : { "depends_on" : "nothing/previous/...", ??????????????? to...

~~~py result about factory for operations import KratosMultiphysics as KM import KratosMultiphysics.FluidDynamics as CFD settigns = KM.ProjectParamters(""" [ { "type" : "KratosMultiphysics.FluidDynamicsApplication.CppOp", "parameters" : {...} }, { "type" : "KratosMultiphysics.FluidDynamicsApplication.PyOp",...

well, to give my 2 cents i would rather live with "auxiliar" rather than rename files and hence lose all of their history. honestly i see this as a rather...

just to tell that std vector cpuld also be used with an allocator as optional argument. also the big problem i see for std vector (which we cpuld change) is...

following along the line of what i was telling i would add the following to our define, and essentially use this "flexible_vector" anywhere we are currently using std::vector ~~~cpp template...

just to add that as can be seen at [link](https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_77_0/libs/core/doc/html/core/noinit_adaptor.html) the noinit_adaptor is a very shallow adaptor with code ~~~cpp namespace boost { template struct noinit_adaptor : A { template...

Well, the results are quite impressive: here goes my test script, which does nothing else than assigning the entry of a vector (if you like to take the sqrt, just...

ouch, i copied without commenting the sqrt... well never mind

@philbucher suggested to take away the initialization to see how is the differenence in the creation. Also, compiling with -O3 instead of -Ofast here the results: ~~~txt rossi@LAPTOP-959TES5H:/mnt/c/Users/rross/Programming/scratch/test_noinit$ ./a.out std...