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Vend a typeguard function for checking if an Error is a PurchasesError
Hey. When using TypeScript, the type of the caught error is unknown
in non-strict mode of older versions of TypeScript). It would be very useful to have a typeguard function vended that could narrow the type. Would you be willing to accept a PR that implements this?
export const isPurchasesError = (err: unknown): err is PurchasesError => {
// Implementation here
The usage would look like:
try {
await someCodeThatTriggersAPurchase()
} catch (err) {
if (isPurchasesError(err)) {
// Handle PurchasesError here.
// The type will be narrowed by the compiler and IDE completion will work nicely.
} else {
// Handle other errors differently
This is something we can of course just write on our own end, but it seems like it'd be useful to have as part of the core library here.
I don't see this being controversial, so I think I'll go ahead and just make the change and submit a PR soon.
I just realized that we forgot to reply here!!! I'm sorry about that @bilalq 🤦
This is a great idea! Thanks for opening up the ticket.
We're more than happy to review the PR 🙌
@bilalq did you happen to make any progress with this? We're going through all our issues now to make sure we keep things fresh 😄
Does this do the job?
import { PurchasesError } from 'react-native-purchases';
const isRevenueCatPurchaseError = (error: any): error is PurchasesError => {
return error.domain === 'RevenueCat.ErrorCode';