> you're running the web-ui in two different browsers are you perhaps using two different computers different GPUs are known to produce different results Two people I was helping someone...
There's currently a bug saving a random seed roll to the file which is wrong, I made a report here screenshots attached confirmed on my system rendering and trying to...
Transmission remote GUI has this and I miss it. I have multipke drives and diurectories so would like to group them. Disk1 - Folder 1 - Folder 2 Disk 2...
Also as a adition I download to multiple drives so I would love to see the free space on the diffrent drives I have mnt/disk1 mmt/disk2 etc
Still doing this on 2.6.3 Window update interval doesn't work and I could add a torrent let it sit and it would still show 0% downloaded if the window isn't...