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Does anyone have the intention to use events with relational?
Yes, events. Like... dbms's triggers... Anyone?
That would be nice!
Unfortunately I cannot code this features for these days, I'm pretty busy with other stuff and we have just a few active collaborators.
can I start it?
You can start this @nawarian How you intend to do this?
Thought about writing a simple subscribe/dispatch interface for Collections.
Those would have "onInsert", "onUpdate" and "onDelete" dispatchers available for subscribing.
What you guys think about it?
Despite this feature have been never requested before, I was thinking about something more flexible, since we are thinking about it now. I was thinking about these events:
- Pre insert
- Post insert
- Pre update
- Post update
- etc...
As you see, there are many events and just write methods doesn't look good idea, but using something like EventDispatcher does. Actually, even with just few events, writing new methods will make Mapper just bigger than it already is.
Any thoughts, @Respect/troubleshooters?
Agreed. Would we use a external EventDispatcher/Listener API or create a Respect's?
Is kind of simple, we could create as a module.
I thought better about this implementation and I'm trying to find for your real benefits. Since triggers are already events dispatched by dbms, the Relation should just create than and not dispatch. To create we can use Respect\Db like this:
$db = new Db(new Pdo('sqlite:mydb.sq3'));
$db->query("CREATE TRIGGER salary_trigger
BEFORE UPDATE ON employee_table
IF n.salary <> o.salary THEN
My thinking is correct?
How could I dispatch it to a external application?
Think about pub/sub model, for example. I would like do publish a data insert to my channel, so others can deal with it to.
This event functionality can handle this and make my code more decoupled.
Can't see how to perform the same with using databases's triggers.
So think this is an event dispatcher only. Out of Respect\Relational. And your can use any one like synfony or zend event dispatcher to work with relational. Not a Trigger.
Yes, an event dispatcher. But integrated with inserts, updates and deletes being processed with Respect.
Like @henriquemoody just said, not only events to dispatch after making changes, but before as well.
I've made it myself by extending Mapper class and overwriting the "flushSingle" method. It would be a nice feature to Relational.
Thinking about other frameworks... maybe forcing an event dispatcher interface wouldn't be nice, since some uses "on", others use "addEventListener", some uses "emit" and others "dispatch", some uses events as method-names (and even Interfaces for listeners/dispatchers) and others strings for identifying them...
I'm sorry by my late.
I was thinking about it, there are many reasons to do inside the library.
As @williamespindola already said, there are many things we can do using an external event dispatcher, but it depends of what you want to do; if you want to make some profiling, for example, or just perform an action after every flush, wrapping everything will be a PITA.
I think it can be really useful but I have no concrete idea about how it should be done inside Relational.
Actually, TBH, I'm not sure what should be done in Relational and what should be make in Data, since it was splitted Relational.
@nawarian, I'm really receptive for any pull request you want to send, I can also make some code review of it but I probably will not do this feature, despite I think it's a great idea.
My concern is. I think that Respect\Relational is not a large lib like Doctrine but have a Power like Doctrine. If we take a look Data, DB, Sql are modules, and following this thought Events must be too.
@henriquemoody I could start it...
@williamespindola Totally agreed.
Guys... creating it as a module would be great, but I don't think it would be possible since Relational\Mapper handles our main events such as Insert, Update and Delete (take a look at line 71, method flushSingle).
Executing this task would be easy by just inserting something around there. But this module could not be attachable, it should be treated as a Respect\Relational dependency.
Do you guys agree?
It could be a module proxying events between Respect\Data and Respect\Relational.
There is a pseudo-interface to Respect\Relational. Things like the magic interface and querying are database independent, mostly by the AbstractMapper.
So, the current structure looks like this:
- Respect\Data\AbstractMapper handles interface and API, including the concrete (using Respect\Data\Collections*) and magic.
- Respect\Relational\Mapper extends the interface and implements the database specific methods, binding them with Respect\Relational\Db and Respect\Relational\Sql.
An example of another component in this architecture is Respect\Structural. it is not complete, but implements the basics for a MongoDB database binding for the Respect\Data API.
Events would be interesting right at the interface and binding level, so they should be provided outside driver specific implementations. They should talk directly to the AbstractMapper.
The idea is to add a new component to the formula:
- Respect\Data\AbstractMapper handles interface and API, including the concrete (using Respect\Data\Collections*) and magic.
- Respect\Relational\Mapper extends the interface and implements the database specific methods, binding them with Respect\Relational\Db and Respect\Relational\Sql.
- Respect\NEWCOMPONENT can be used optionally to capture interface (calls to the mapper) and bindings (calls from the abstractmapper to drivers).
Without new component (actual current usage):
$relational = new Respect\Relational\Mapper($pdo);
$structural = new Respect\Structural\Mapper($mongoconnection);
With optional new component:
$relational = new Respect\NEWCOMPONENT\EventProxyMapper(new Respect\Relational\Mapper($pdo));
$structural = new Respect\NEWCOMPONENT\EventProxyMapper(new Respect\Structural\Mapper($mongoconnection));
I suggest this mainly because we spent some effort separating Data from Relational, maybe we should this as a feature now that packages are working. About the interface to actually deal with events, I'm widely open to any implementation.
+1 to module proxyng like that
Sounds fair. I'll get onto it.
:+1: to proxyng
So... I was wondering... maybe a event manager package would be a nice start. Making it decoupled from Relational or Data, it could be used with another projects.
Something like Respect\Event\Manager class:
$em = new Respect\Event\Manager;
$em->on( 'some.event', $aCallback );
$em->dispatch( 'some.event', array( 'argument one' ) );
After that, events about persistence could simply use this event management object.
Right here we've been made some implementation to the event business.
It was created under Respect\Data as a Event namespace, but probably it should be moved. Additional implementations could be done to be more user-friendly.
But I think it solves the problem.
Anyone else?
Great, but I think the new component work out of Respect\Data. Respect\NEWCOMPONENT
Take at look on Gaigalas's code:
$relational = new Respect\NEWCOMPONENT\EventProxyMapper(new Respect\Relational\Mapper($pdo));
$structural = new Respect\NEWCOMPONENT\EventProxyMapper(new Respect\Structural\Mapper($mongoconnection));
@Respect/troubleshooters I think right?
I totally agree... In my opinion there would be actually two new components: The event manager and the evented mapper.
But I can't create them in here. You guys would have to create a new repo or something.
About the implementation: a friend of mine told me about a better way to perform thoses events, tell me what you think about it:
// EventedMapper requires a Respect\Data\AbstractMapper instance
$mapper = new EventedMapper(new Respect\Relational\Mapper($db));
// So, there's a collection called person. I wan't to listen every time before a insert:
You can create this repo in your Github account and transfer the ownership to Respect account.
About the implementation. If i can do that without fluent style too, I totally agree.
I've implemented it (better late than never) under this repo:
But I can't transfer ownership to you since I don't have admin rights under Respect organization. I see this one as a fresh start but not a complete solution. Indeed I didn't write any tests too, maybe next year I could create those or someone would ;)
@nawarian cool implementation dude. I think we will freeze this for now till we get tests and a proper review, I noticed few SOLID concepts breaks, plus we will discuss if that layer is a good piece to be part of the relational code base.
Thanks for the review, @wesleyvicthor . About SOLID concept breaks, I don't see it as something bad right now, refactoring is always possible and it wasn't that bad ^^
My main concern right now is about old and new values, since Respect\Data keeps objects under $tracked, $new, $changed and $removed byref it is almost impossible to track old and new values for comparison. Things like $mapper->on('pre.update', function($old, $new, $collection) {});
aren't possible with our current Respect\Data implementation.