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BrainVerse is an electronic laboratory notebook built as an open-source, cross-platform desktop application to help researchers manage, track and share information in a comprehensive format.
Preview form could be shown as modal that pops out and display. With current implementation, it should align with the fields selection div container.
In the NDAImport form, buttons - select all, clear, PreviewForm, save, go to main page, fill up form needs to be rearranged. Right now, buttons stack up.
Acquisition Form on clicking 'save' button allows saving the form even mandatory input fields not entered. Save button needs to be disabled until form validation is passed.
Radio button style and options not showing as desired. For example, in grit01, Grit Total Score not displaying all the 5 options. If we look at the term (shown below...
When one selects all fields of Beck Depression Inventory and click on preview form, it fails to show the preview. However, if one select few fields, preview works fine. @derry0822...
Explored different logging packages exist, e.g winstorn, bunyan, npmlog, log4js. In expressjs, it is recommended to use winston or bunyan.
Currently, while previewing the form, the fields that needs to be calculated based on the previous fields values are also shown without any indication that they needs to be calculated...
Each NDA data dictionary has 'shortName' field which is unique and has some version information on it. With NDA Editor allowing to edit a form, the challenge is how to...