cliff.nvim copied to clipboard
jk until falling
Plugin that moves the cursor up/down until it almost falls off the cliff. The
principle is very simple. If the cursor is positioned at position (row, column)
, then after calling cliff.go_down
or cliff.go_up
the cursor will
move to the furthest row such that every line in between either is of length
greater than column
or every line is shorter than column
You can install it through your package manager of choice:
keys = {
{ '<c-j>', mode = { 'n', 'v', 'o' }, function() require("cliff").go_down() end },
{ '<c-k>', mode = { 'n', 'v', 'o' }, function() require("cliff").go_up() end },
use {
config = function()
local cliff = require("cliff")
local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
vim.keymap.set('n', "<c-j>", function() cliff.go_down() end, opts)
vim.keymap.set('n', "<c-k>", function() cliff.go_up() end, opts)
vim.keymap.set('v', "<c-j>", function() cliff.go_down() end, opts)
vim.keymap.set('v', "<c-k>", function() cliff.go_up() end, opts)
vim.keymap.set('x', "<c-j>", function() cliff.go_down() end, opts)
vim.keymap.set('x', "<c-k>", function() cliff.go_up() end, opts)