Results 178 comments of RW

Yes right Group with a handler is working like the app.Use method I think express is working like the same or? What's you improvement suggestion? Behavior change or additional...

Concept of real groups does not exist in express, they are just grouped paths that are checked in the order they are declared. We do the same in fiber.

@Trim21 have tested this and it does not fix the problem ```go g1 := app.Group("/p/", middleware) g2 := app.Group("/page/", middleware) ``` otherwise i would have put this kind of solution...

@baldanca but you have added your auth middleware with ".Use" for the complete group "/api clear that this then catches the route which is under api

> @ReneWerner87 it looks like bug for me its expected behavior

Let me put it another way, the middleware error has more prio than the error of the not found mechanism.

Authentication without a real route doesn't make sense either, why don't you put it directly as middleware to the routes that exist?

Due to the limitation that we process the routes just like express in a row and we handle the middleware for "Use" or "Group" and the rest of the request...