Neural-Texture-Extraction-Distribution copied to clipboard
generate unnorma images when inference
I can generated right images using the, but got below images when used the
There are also problems in the training stage. Neural-Texture-Extraction-Distribution/util/visualization/
def attn2image(source_softmax, seg_query, input_image): target_list = [] image_size = input_image.shape[2:] for softmax, query in zip(source_softmax, seg_query): b, num_label, h, w = query.shape input_resize = F.interpolate( input_image, (h,w) ) input_resize = input_resize.view(b, -1, h*w) extracted = torch.einsum('bkm,bvm->bvk', softmax, input_resize) query = F.softmax(query.view(b, num_label, -1), 1) estimated_target = torch.einsum('bkm,bvk->bvm', query, extracted) estimated_target = estimated_target.view(b, -1, h, w) target_list.append(F.interpolate(estimated_target, image_size)) target_gen =, 3) return target_gen
The source_softmax is an empty list.
Hi! Is the checkpoint loaded successfully while inference? Can you provide the messages when you run
Hi! Is the checkpoint loaded successfully while inference? Can you provide the messages when you run
When you run
without training the model. You may need to load the model by adding --which_iter
such as:
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=1 \
--master_port 12345 \
--config ./config/fashion_512.yaml \
--name fashion_512 \
--no_resume \
--output_dir ./result/fashion_512/inference \
--which_iter 495400
hello ,请问你解决了这个问题吗
There are also problems in the training stage. Neural-Texture-Extraction-Distribution/util/visualization/
def attn2image(source_softmax, seg_query, input_image): target_list = [] image_size = input_image.shape[2:] for softmax, query in zip(source_softmax, seg_query): b, num_label, h, w = query.shape input_resize = F.interpolate( input_image, (h,w) ) input_resize = input_resize.view(b, -1, h*w) extracted = torch.einsum('bkm,bvm->bvk', softmax, input_resize) query = F.softmax(query.view(b, num_label, -1), 1) estimated_target = torch.einsum('bkm,bvk->bvm', query, extracted) estimated_target = estimated_target.view(b, -1, h, w) target_list.append(F.interpolate(estimated_target, image_size)) target_gen =, 3) return target_gen
The source_softmax is an empty list. 请问你解决这个问题了吗
Hi @Blackkinggg, How did generate pose key points?