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Example project showing how to optimize your Dockerfile to reduce your final docker image size

Dockerfile optimization

Build Status Coverage Status License: MIT

Example project showing how to optimize your Dockerfile to reduce your final docker image size.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The example application
    • Source code
    • Dependencies
  • Let's get started
    • Step 1: Basic Dockerfile
    • Step 2: Use a smaller base image
    • Step 3: Remove useless packages and tools
    • Step 4: Use multi-stage builds
    • Step 5: Keep only the essential
  • Conclusion


For ~~lazy people~~ people whose time is precious, the final version of the Dockerfile is here.
You can also jump to the conclusion for a list of best practices.


Docker is an amazing invention which allows all developers to set up an entire stack on any computer in minutes.
It's popularity never stops increasing, and unless you where leaving on another planet during the last 5 years, you must have heard of it.

However, despite the ease of docker installation and configuration, I'm hearing more and more developers complaining about the large size of the images they get for their applications. By the way, if you are reading this, you may have the same concerns.

The purpose of this repo is to show how to optimize your Dockerfile to output a reasonably sized Docker image, without impacting the performance of your application.

To illustrate, we will use a very simple Node.js application (an HTTP server implementing the famous "Hello World"), written in Typescript, which will allow us to test the integration with compilation and tests tools.

We will start with a basic Dockerfile, then try to optimize it in several steps.

The example application

As said previously, we will illustrate our tutorial using a basic Node.js application.

Source code

The source code is available in the src folder and is composed of two main files:

  1. index.ts (entry point): Application bootstrap and New Relic integration
  2. App.ts: Actual web server, with logger and one route to display an "Hello World" message



This application is written in Typescript, so we will need the compilation tools for this language.
As we are civilized people, we will also use a linter and write unit tests to make sure our code is "clean".
All of these modules are only needed at development time and are therefore installed as devDependencies (see package.json).


To run in production, our application will only need two npm modules:

  1. Restify: A simple web server
  2. New Relic: A tool that will allow us to follow the performance of our application when deployed
    (I precise that they did not pay me to include their module here, I just find it very useful. Moreover it will present some additional challenges when writing the Dockerfile, which is relevant here to cover a maximum of use cases)

Let's get started

Step 1: Basic Dockerfile

The first version of the Dockerfile can be found here. It only contains basic docker commands and every line is commented for clarity.


Let's build our image based on this Dockerfile (it may take several minutes depending on your computer and your Internet connection).
If you have npm installed locally, you can run the following command:

npm run build:docker:v1

Else you can use the following command:

docker build --no-cache --force-rm --tag docker-optimization-v1 --file ./dockerfiles/v1/Dockerfile .


Our first image is built, let's test that it works properly.

If you have npm installed locally, just run npm run docker:v1, otherwise run docker run -i -t -p=8080:8080 --rm --name docker-optimization-v1 docker-optimization-v1.

You can now go to http://localhost:8080, if everything is working, you should see the following content:

"Hello World !"


Everything is working properly, let's take a look at the image size by running docker images | grep docker-optimization-v1.
This is what I get when running this command locally:

REPOSITORY                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
docker-optimization-v1            latest              f968e4e7f90a        2 minutes ago       859MB

859MB for an application that just displays "Hello World !", it seems a bit excessive...
The reason for this is simple: if you look at the first line of our Dockerfile, you will see that we create our image based on the docker image node:8.
By running docker images | grep node, we find out that this image has a size of 673MB (at the time I write this tutorial). So just by creating our Dockerfile based on this image we have a huge final image for nothing.

Let's try to use a smaller base image in the next step.

Step 2: Use a smaller base image

The second version of the Dockerfile can be found here. Compared to the first version, we use alpine:3.7 as base image.
Alpine has a size of 4.15MB so it should make a difference in our final size.


As previously, if you have npm installed locally, you can run the following command:

npm run build:docker:v2

Else you can use the following command:

docker build --no-cache --force-rm --tag docker-optimization-v2 --file ./dockerfiles/v2/Dockerfile .


To test that our second image works properly, first stop the previous running image using CTRL+C, then run npm run docker:v2 if you have npm installed locally, otherwise run docker run -i -t -p=8080:8080 --rm --name docker-optimization-v2 docker-optimization-v2.

If you go to http://localhost:8080, you should see the same result as before.


By running docker images | grep docker-optimization-v2, we can see that the final image size decreased:

REPOSITORY                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
docker-optimization-v2            latest              e362da63732b        7 minutes ago       412MB

This is certainly better, but still, 412MB for a "Hello World !" remains heavy.

Another optimization to reduce the final size of our image could be to remove unnecessary packages in production.
Indeed all the npm packages listed in devDependencies are useless in production.
In addition, the make gcc g ++ python packages are useful when installing the New Relic module, but not necessary later.

Let's try to delete all of this in the next step.

Step 3: Remove useless packages and tools

In this step we will try to remove every useless package and/or module for production.
The third version of the Dockerfile can be found here. The difference with the previous version is here.


You know it now, if you have npm installed locally, you can run the following command:

npm run build:docker:v3

Else you can use the following command:

docker build --no-cache --force-rm --tag docker-optimization-v3 --file ./dockerfiles/v3/Dockerfile .


To test that our third image works properly, first stop the previous running image using CTRL+C, then run npm run docker:v3 if you have npm installed locally, otherwise run docker run -i -t -p=8080:8080 --rm --name docker-optimization-v3 docker-optimization-v3.

If you go to http://localhost:8080, you should see the same result as before.


By running docker images | grep docker-optimization-v3, we can see that the final image size decreased again:

REPOSITORY                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
docker-optimization-v3            latest              90e8a0ef83a4        3 minutes ago       340MB

Great, we earned another 72MB, however 340MB is still big.

In addition we introduced a new problem: in the Dockerfile, you can see here that we are deleting all unnecessary files for the final container.
However we must explicitly list all these files, if our project evolves and includes new files that will have to be ignored in production, we will need to change the Dockerfile for each new file to ignore. Not great for maintainability...

It would be a good idea to only include the files that we need for production instead of excluding the files we don't need.
This is what we will do in the next step using the docker fancy feature of the moment: multi-stage builds.

Step 4: Use multi-stage builds

We have already reduced the size of our final image from 859MB to 340MB (60% off). It's not bad, however in this step we will move up a gear.
Since version 17.05, Docker has a new feature named multi-stage builds. This will allow us to create intermediate docker images, then take only what we need from them to build our final image.

You can see an example implementation in the fourth version of the Dockerfile.


As always, if you have npm installed locally, you can run the following command:

npm run build:docker:v4

Else you can use the following command:

docker build --no-cache --force-rm --tag docker-optimization-v4 --file ./dockerfiles/v4/Dockerfile .


To test that our fourth image works properly, first stop the previous running image using CTRL+C, then run npm run docker:v4 if you have npm installed locally, otherwise run docker run -i -t -p=8080:8080 --rm --name docker-optimization-v4 docker-optimization-v4.

If you go to http://localhost:8080, you should see the same result as before.


By running docker images | grep docker-optimization-v4, we can see that the final image size decreased again:

REPOSITORY                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
docker-optimization-v4            latest              85be6c4bffb9        3 seconds ago       83.3MB

Now we're talking, 83.3MB is a 90% size reduction compared to the initial image size ! But what exactly did we do ?

As you can see in the Dockerfile, we use the Docker multi-stage builds by creating 2 intermediate images (base and develop).
In the base image, we install the required packages, as well as the production dependencies, then we remove all the useless stuff. We do all this in one step to minimize the number of layers.
In the develop image, we install the development dependencies and compile the application.
Then in the final release image, we take everything from base, then only copy the build folder from the develop image, nothing more.

The current Dockerfile is more readable, creates a much lighter final image, and follows the Docker multi-stage builds best practices.
However there are still some minor changes that we can implement in the last step.

Step 5: Keep only the essential

Last issues

We implemented multi-stage builds in the previous step and reduced the size of our image by 90% from its original size.
There are, however, two small things we can improve:

  1. In the previous Dockerfile, we install the applications and npm modules needed for production, and then remove all unnecessary applications in one layer to optimize the size of the base image.
    However, the develop image is based on the base image, and thus no longer has access to the "make gcc g ++ python" packages.
    In our case this is not a problem, but to prevent a problem in another project, these packages should be accessible for the develop image if it needs them.

  2. We still have an extra layer in the release image that we could get rid of (here, it's not much, but hey, we're talking about optimization aren't we?)

Last fixes

We could fix the first issue above by reinstalling the "make gcc g ++ python" packages in the develop image, but we just removed them at the end of the base image, not very nice...

An elegant way to solve this problem is to use an additional intermediate image that we can name dependencies. This image will have these packages installed and will take care of installing the npm modules for production (example here).

Finally we only install these packages once, they are used to build the production dependencies and available for the develop image if needed.
We just have to copy the node_modules folder from the dependencies image into the release image (example here).
First issue solved.

The second issue is fixed by the first one, indeed adding an extra dependencies image, the package-lock.json is no longer part of the base image, we can then get rid of the RUN rm -rf /code/package-lock.json line.
Second issue solved.

The final Dockerfile is available here.


Last but not least, if you have npm installed locally, you can run the following command:

npm run build:docker:v5

Else you can use the following command:

docker build --no-cache --force-rm --tag docker-optimization-v5 --file ./dockerfiles/v5/Dockerfile .


To test that our fifth image works properly, first stop the previous running image using CTRL+C, then run npm run docker:v5 if you have npm installed locally, otherwise run docker run -i -t -p=8080:8080 --rm --name docker-optimization-v5 docker-optimization-v5.

If you go to http://localhost:8080, you should see the same result as before.


By running docker images | grep docker-optimization-v5, we can see that the final image size decreased again:

REPOSITORY                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
docker-optimization-v5            latest              3ef89989ec3e        30 minutes ago      76.4MB

Final size: 76.4MB, it represents a 91% reduction size compared to the beginning.


It is quite possible to have functional applications while maintaining docker images of reasonable size, provided you use the following principles:

  • Use the smallest docker image that fits your needs (eg: alpine).
  • Remember to remove packages/tools unused in production.
  • Use docker multi-stage builds.
  • Try to minimize the number of layers in your Dockerfile for each stage.
  • For other improvements, refer to the best practices recommended by the docker team, these are regularly updated.
  • In order to verify that your Dockerfile follows the standards, you can use FROM:latest which is an online Dockerfile validator. It does not yet support validation of multi-stage builds, but provides other useful tips.