PowerShellMisc copied to clipboard
Some PowerShell scripts that I've written in the last few years to interact with Active Directory and Windows operating systems.
A way to delete a running executable on the disk. This was originally found by Jonas Lykkegaard (@jonasLyk) and a C# PoC was written by @LloydLabs. This can also be used to delete locked files on the disk that the calling process has permission to get DELETE access to. I just wrote the POC in PowerShell with PSReflect.
Get-DeleteLockedFile c:\users\test\desktop\executable.exe
This check was inspired by a tweet from @splinter_code and @NathanMcNulty, mentioning the fact that Microsoft Defender Antivirus includes automatic exclusions for some windows role.
Use Netapi32 to retrieve information concerning the operating system, the last SMB start time and the current version from a remote server because we can't always trust data in Active Directory. Based on PSReflect.
Get-NetComputerToD sqlserver
Get-NetComputerVersion sqlserver
HostName StartTime
-------- ---------
sqlserver 18/07/2017 06:03:27
Get-NetComputerVersion sqlserver
wki100_platform_id : 500
wki100_computername : sqlserver
wki100_langroup : TESTLAB
wki100_ver_major : 10
wki100_ver_minor : 0
Allow changing a password from a remote forest.
Set-PasswordRemotely -DomainController DC.local -UserName superuser
Provide a real-time table with the open sessions of the targeted users and track if the machine has been rebooted
$DA = (Get-DomainGroupMember "Admins du domaine" -Recurse).MemberName
Invoke-UserMimiTab -UserTarget $DA -Verbose
UserName SawOn HostName Version SawAt LastReboot CredsInMemory
-------- ----- -------- ------- ----- ---------- -------------
admin dcserver.test.fr 6.3 07/21/2017 14:55:58 07/10/2017 10:00:19 Probably
admin computer.test.fr 6.3 07/21/2017 14:55:58 07/17/2017 15:21:14 Probably
admin sqlserver.test.fr 10.0 07/21/2017 14:55:58 Lost Connection
A quick wrapper to perform LDAP query in PowerShell.
Query-Objects_light -Domain mydomain.local -User Administrator -Password Admin123! -Filter "(&(objectCategory=User))" -Attributes Name
Inspired from Groupers to analyze GPP Script in GPO and associated ACL
Get-GPPScript mydomain.local
IniFile : \\mydomain.local\SYSVOL\mydomain.local\Policies\{XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX}\Machine\Scripts\scripts.ini
Key : Shutdown
CmdLine : \\mydomain.local\NETLOGON\SuperProduct\SuperProductUninstall.bat
Parameters : /adminpassword toto
ScriptOwner : BUILTIN\Administrators
Script_FullControl : BUILTIN\Administrators
Script_TakeOwnership : MYDOMAIN\InterestingGroup
Script_Modify :
Script_Write :
Script_WriteData :
Script_WriteAttributes :
Custom Active Directory dumper that extracts inside several csv:
- LDAP information (user, computer, OU, etc.) including ACL
- Local data from remote servers thanks to NetAPI
- GPO data and scripts
Nothing new here, I wrote it to have a better understanding of Bloodhound / ADCP at his beginning. The performance is awful thanks to PowerShell :p
Big up to my old friend @nicolas_dbresse with whom I started to play with the Active Directory <3
Invoke-CRADADA -Domain mydomain.local -LDAPChecks All -NetAPIChecks All -ACL -Recurse
> Results
> GlobalLog.txt
> mydomain.local
> Logs.txt
> Structure
> Users.csv
> Users_ACL.csv
> Trusts.csv
> Trusts_ACL.csv
> printQueue.csv
> printQueue_ACL.csv
> OU.csv
> OU_ACL.csv
> Groups.csv
> Groups_ACL.csv
> GPO.csv
> GPO_ACL.csv
> Domain.csv
> Domain_ACL.csv
> Computers.csv
> Computers_ACL.csv
> AdminSDHolder.csv
> AdminSDHolder_ACL.csv
> GPPScript
> All GPO xml files
> GPPAutologon.csv
> GPPPassword.csv
> GPPScript.csv
> ComputerGroupMember.csv
> ComputerSession.csv
> ComputerShare.csv
> ComputerStartTime.csv
> ComputerVersion.csv
> Subdomain or trusted domain if recursive mode is enabled
Original script BloodHoundw64_LTI from @SadProcessor, this version adds a quiet mode and the latest BloodHound versions.
Install-BloodHound -quiet neo4j2022
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Everyone referenced in the code, I hope I didn't miss any reference
- A special thanks to @harmj0y, @mattifestation & @itm4n for their amazing PowerShell works