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TAOX11, the CORBA implementation for C++11

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= TAOX11

https://www.taox11.org[TAOX11] is the https://www.omg.org/spec/CORBA[CORBA] implementation supporting the https://www.omg.org/spec/CPP11[IDL to C++11] Language Mapping created by https://www.remedy.nl[Remedy IT]. TAOX11 builds on the core of https://www.remedy.nl/opensource/tao.html[TAO] to provide you with a large set of features and capabilities. TAO is a well known and stable CORBA implementation with a rich set of features and capabilities.

== Install TAOX11

For installing TAOX11 you must use the https://github.com/RemedyIT/axcioma[AXCIOMA] bootstrap repository. The brix11 tooling will clone this repository as part of the bootstrap step.

== Supported features

TAOX11 has the following major features:

. Compliant with the https://www.omg.org/spec/CPP11/1.4[IDL to C++11 v1.4] language mapping . https://www.omg.org/spec/CORBA/3.3[CORBA v3.3] compliant . Full support of the IDL type system (basic types, constant, enum, string, wide string, sequence, array, struct, union, typedef, exception) . Full support for local and remote CORBA interfaces . Full POA support . Full support for valuetype and abstract interfaces . Full support for Any . Through POA Collocation optimization . CORBA AMI support . Messaging and BiDirection GIOP Policies support . IOR Table support . CodecFactory support . DynamicAny and TypeCodeFactory support . Portable Interceptors . Experimental and partial support for https://www.omg.org/spec/IDL/4.2[IDL 4.2] map, int8/uint8, explicitly-named integer types, bitmask, bitset, empty struct, and struct inheritance extensions