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FanControl cannot remember the position and size of the window after PC shutdown.
Hi, I've posted here once before, but the problem has reappeared. FanControl now doesn't remember the size of the window and its position. I know it worked in previous versions but not now. Also, when I check the option that I don't want to see the donate window anymore and don't even check the fans, I have to close it again and again after the next time I turn on the computer.
That means for some reason the program can't read the CACHE file in its folder. That's where all theses infos are kept.
Is that file getting updated? How are you starting up the application? Any log.txt?
I have it set to launch the app when I log in, I tried reinstalling the app a few times but it didn't help. log.txt
If you launch the app by yourself, place the window somewhere, exit the app, then open it back up, does it remembers? Can you post your CACHE file? Does it gets saved (look for the time and date of last modification).
Yeah it works like that, but when I turn off the PC and the app launches itself, it doesn't work. CACHE.txt
Take a look at the task in task scheduler in windows. Did you edit it? In any case, try and untick then retick the start with windows checkbox.
I didn't edit the task in any way.
if you run the task manually ( right click => run ), does it starts properly?
Yes, manually it starts fine.
Increase the delay?
Ok, i'll try that.
No, it didn't help. I can't even extend the delay, even if I manually save the configuration.
No, it didn't help. I can't even extend the delay, even if I manually save the configuration.
Mám rovnaký problém. (I have the same problem)
Jsem rád, že v tom nejsem sám :D (I'm glad I'm not alone in this :D)
Version 100 still hasn't fixed this problem.