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Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency @types/react to v18.2.17
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-with-tsconfig to v2.4.2
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- [ ] fix(deps): update rust crate tokio to 1.29.1
- [ ] chore(deps): update flcdrg/remove-release-asset-action action to v3
Detected dependencies
anyhow 1.0
typeshare 1.0
serde_json 1.0
serde 1.0
tauri 1.4.1
tracing 0.1
tracing-subscriber 0.3
tauri-plugin-positioner 1.0.4
window-vibrancy 0.4
mac-mouse-sys 0.0.9
tauri-build 1.4.0
serde_json 1.0
serde 1.0
reqwest 0.11
tokio 1.28.2
regex 1.9.1
actions/checkout v3
actions/setup-node v3
pnpm/action-setup v2
actions/cache v3
Swatinem/rust-cache v2
actions/checkout v3
actions/setup-node v3
pnpm/action-setup v2
actions/cache v3
Swatinem/rust-cache v2
google-github-actions/release-please-action v3
actions/checkout v3
actions/setup-node v3
pnpm/action-setup v2
actions/cache v3
Swatinem/rust-cache v2
actions/checkout v3
Swatinem/rust-cache v2
flcdrg/remove-release-asset-action v2
actions/upload-release-asset v1
@mantine/core 6.0.17
@mantine/hooks 6.0.17
@mantine/utils 6.0.17
@swan-io/boxed 1.0.2
@swan-io/chicane 1.4.1
@tauri-apps/api 1.4.0
@total-typescript/ts-reset 0.4.2
core-js 3.31.1
immer 10.0.2
jotai 2.2.2
jotai-immer 0.2.0
react 18.2.0
react-dom 18.2.0
ress 5.0.2
suspend-react 0.1.3
throttle-debounce 5.0.0
tiny-invariant 1.3.1
ts-pattern 5.0.4
zod 3.21.4
@tauri-apps/cli 1.4.0
@types/node 20.4.5
@types/react 18.2.16
@types/react-dom 18.2.7
@types/throttle-debounce 5.0.0
@vanilla-extract/css 1.12.0
@vanilla-extract/vite-plugin 3.8.2
@vitejs/plugin-react-swc 3.3.2
concurrently 8.2.0
core-dts 0.0.3
eslint 8.45.0
eslint-config-with-tsconfig 2.4.0
leasot 13.3.0
prettier 3.0.0
sass 1.64.1
skott 0.28.1
ts-essentials 9.3.2
tsx 3.12.7
typesafe-i18n 5.25.1
typescript 5.1.6
vite 4.4.7
zx 7.2.3
- [x] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository