since this more a traefik problem I would advice to ask this question in the traefik forum. or?
I would like to enable all three acme challenge methods. Let me figure out how to make it easy for users how to setup the correct challenge method with...
I hope I fixed it a0c8e77. You may try.
@RST-J "I hope/think that is how updating the config works?" more or less. if the difference between the commits are only some container labels. last year I updated from traefik...
Thanks. I will look at this. But I think I fixed that in the new version of the playbook already. But didn't backport.
What happens when you would run `docker exec --user www-data nextcloud php occ app:install spreed` or `docker exec --user www-data nextcloud php occ status` (optional with `sudo`.)
Not sure what exactly you want. Of course you can just start another container, connect it to the nextcloud backend network. And bypass traefik. To add a container you can...
I'll give it try. Do you have a link to a good howto page?
It seems that the playbook is currently broken. Right now my advice would be to downgrade Ansible to version 2.9 and try to install Nextcloud 20.0.8. I'll try to fix...
> $SUDO pip install ansible==2.9.0 -U I think it's right now version 2.9.18. I'm not sure if there is version 2.9.0.