ydotool copied to clipboard
Tutorial: how to install and use `ydotool`
You might consider linking to this in your documentation. This was a lot of work for me to figure it out, so I think it will be useful to many people:
Tutorial: Getting started with ydotool
to automate key presses (or mouse movements) in Linux
I go over installation, launching the daemon in a way that doesn't require your user to use root to connect to it, pressing key sequences, and where to find them, how to view the help menus, etc.
Just in time, I was getting lost trying to install it.
Still having trouble finding how to simulate arrow keys.
Oh, it's just KEY_RIGHT
@rwjack , yeah, it appears to be KEY_RIGHT
, or key code 106
, as shown here: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/uapi/linux/input-event-codes.h#L181
You can view all key codes locally with:
gedit /usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h
For full instructions to press and release KEY_RIGHT
, it should be this:
# Kill the `ydotoold` background running processes
sudo pkill ydotoold
# start the background daemon
sudo -b ydotoold --socket-path="$HOME/.ydotool_socket" --socket-own="$(id -u):$(id -g)"
# press key right, then release it
YDOTOOL_SOCKET="$HOME/.ydotool_socket" ydotool key 106:1 106:0
I don't mention it in my article, but you can also add that environment variable to the bottom of your ~/.bashrc
file, as this:
export YDOTOOL_SOCKET="$HOME/.ydotool_socket"
Then you could just run this in place of the last command above:
ydotool key 106:1 106:0
@ElectricRCAircraftGuy Kudos! Thanks bud
@ElectricRCAircraftGuy That was a great guide, thank you. I made a script (that i have named ydotool-manage
on my computer) based on your guide to start, stop and update from one place.
if [ $# -ne 1 ] || ( [ "$1" != "start" ] && [ "$1" != "stop" ] && [ "$1" != "update" ] && [ "$1" != "status" ] );then
echo "`basename $0`: missing OPTION
Usage: `basename $0` [OPTION]
'`basename $0` start' to start the ydotool service.
'`basename $0` stop' to stop the ydotool service
'`basename $0` update' to update (or install) ydotool."
exit 1
# Visa status
if [ "$1" = "status" ]; then
sudo systemctl status ydotool.service
# Start ydtoold
if [ "$1" = "start" ]; then
sudo systemctl start ydotool.service
sudo systemctl status ydotool.service
# Stop ydtoold
if [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then
sudo systemctl stop ydotool.service
sudo systemctl status ydotool.service
# Update (update git folder, build and make install) ydotool and ydotoold.
if [ "$1" = "update" ] ; then
sudo -v
# pre reqs
sudo apt update && sudo apt install cmake scdoc pkg-config
# Check if ydotool repo is downloaded
if [ ! -d /opt/ydotool ]; then
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/ReimuNotMoe/ydotool.git
sudo mv /tmp/ydotool/ /opt/
cd /opt/ydotool/
# Get latest version
git pull
# Make
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
time make -j "$(nproc)"
# Install
sudo make install
# Remove the need for sudo
sudo chmod +s $(which ydotool)
# Install systemd service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/ydotool.service
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/user/ydotool.service /etc/systemd/system/
# Reload the systemd daemon
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# Reload enable the service
sudo systemctl enable ydotool
# Reload start ydotool
sudo systemctl start ydotool
# Check that it is running
sudo systemctl status ydotool
echo "ydotoold version: $(ydotoold --version)"
echo ""
if ! grep -q 'export YDOTOOL_SOCKET="/tmp/.ydotool_socket"' $HOME/.profile; then
echo '' >> "$HOME/.profile"
echo '# ydotoold socket location' >> "$HOME/.profile"
echo 'export YDOTOOL_SOCKET="/tmp/.ydotool_socket"' >> "$HOME/.profile"
echo "YDOTOOL_SOCKET is being exported in $HOME/.profile."
echo "Please relog to enable the new profile settings."
EDIT: Now properly installs the service. More information here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1413829/how-can-i-install-and-use-the-latest-ydotool-keyboard-automation-tool-working-o
EDIT 2: Enable the service after installing it.
EDIT 3: Forgot to install cmake scdoc pkg-config
@ecspresso , nice job. There are still more things I don't know. Using systemd
to stop/start/restart it may be better. Check out this comment here (all the comments under my answer): https://askubuntu.com/questions/1470593/how-can-i-write-a-program-to-press-keys-such-as-windows-d-in-wayland-repla#comment2596097_1473061
I can see people talking about the service but it seems to be missing for me.
I found this where someone explains how to build and install ydotool in detail. It is also explained how to add the service.
I have updated my above script.
@ElectricRCAircraftGuy if you have time, let's update that guide, split them into how to install and a use guide? I can help with that. Then we can move towards submitting a PR mentioning those links as a guide
I had it working in a previous system but didn't write it down so wasted quite a few hours figuring it out again, so I did write up here.
@shellheim I think there are some improvements. I'm wondering that even the ydotool.service
is now named ydotoold.service
You also don't need to chown
on the socket created, ydotoold accepts this as a parameter when run, so you can edit the service file so you're the owner of the socket, or even change the permission (similar to what a chmod
would do), so even that you're not the owner, you can still access the socket
@Paiusco Man, I am so damm grateful to you. Thank you very much. I had completely forgotten about that flag. I am gonna fix the gist in the morning. Again, thank you very much!
edit: the gist should be much better by now.
Thanks so much for your contribution, I'm very grateful.
I have pinned this issue now.
@ElectricRCAircraftGuy if you have time, let's update that guide, split them into how to install and a use guide? I can help with that. Then we can move towards submitting a PR mentioning those links as a guide
I'm not going to have time :(
I'm a single dad now, and sole income.
Is it not possible to make installation as compact as apt install ydotool
@Edwardius if you look at #233 you'll see that the package that debian-like distro currently ships is 5years old, so this is controlled by the distro/repo and not by us. If you want to get something newer, you may move to a "rolling distro" instead.