Christian Henrique

Results 39 comments of Christian Henrique

Make the size of the ramp random too and if the player aren't in a car, spawn them in one (like the adder or phantom).

Wait, Kleptomaniac is about "a person who cannot control their desire to steal things" so why the player need to buy things?

But i liked the idea, the effect just need to give more time for the player like a minute and a better name like "Black Friday" or "Shopaholic".

I wonder what happens if u try to apply that haircuit in non-franklin models Does it even work (Aka the game put that haircut in the model even if it...

Eh, why only aquatic vehicles? and afaik normally there isn't props on vehicles

I wonder if that prop is spawnable and whatnot or if exist a better prop for it. As there is no horse in-game (Sadly), a deer could be used in...

I don't think that is so easily to implement in GTA V

Make sure the config app is inside the chaosmod folder which itself should be inside of the GTA V folder

Don't the "No Signal" message change depending of the monitor and the language it is set? that would make the effect not universal and not fool people who know how...

I'm pretty sure it would be just called "Spawn Jesus" xD