OS-X-Voodoo-PS2-Controller copied to clipboard
caps lock is always PRESSED DOWN
I am using hackintosh on high sierra, catalina and I have everywhere issues with capsLock. The same issue here "When I press caps lock it will show key up and key down the same time. https://github.com/pqrs-org/Karabiner-Elements/issues/1874
when I press down capsLock first time after boot or after sleep- in EventViewer Karabiner I see right away 2 EVENTS: key_up and key_down, and then when I press up capslock is not nothing. CapsLock is always PRESSED DOWN.
Althought usual behaviour keys - when I press down key- in EventViewer I see key_down, and then when I press up - I see key_up
there isn't any problem with a bluetooth keyboard or usb keyboard
may be this issue with CapsLock depends on LED on builtin keyboard....?